I'm Figuratively Dead

Surprisingly good list!

Wow, she’s so brave.

Watch that ball, Whoopsie!

My CVS has had Christmas decorations up since September. There’s Halloween ones too, but seriously?! What’s with the rush? Is this just an American thing?

Don’t you mean HoLLyWeiRd?

I really hope Flanagan eases up on the monologues. 

I unironically love it. Watch it every year. I’m okay with people hating it, it’s completely different in tone from the first. Still love it though. 

I’m going to watch it, regardless. But there’s something that turns me off about the girls acting. It just feels over-the-top and kind of like they’re trying too hard. It’s almost cartoonish. I think Linda Blair set a precedent that can’t really be topped.


JFC fix Kinja! 

Uhhh that they’re friends and Elton testified on his behalf during Spacey’s sexual assault trial. 

Maybe his buddy, Kevin Spacey, can visit him in the hospital.

Tag yourself.

It’s pretty creepy that Amanda Bynes is being followed by paparazzi while she’s in a mental health facility. I mean, I expect the worst from TMZ, but you can and should do better by not linking to them and contributing to the conversation. Let her get help in peace, ffs. 

So good, they cast 2 Daario Naharis...es.

I thought he meant acting :(

I was done with her after she blasted her Postmates driver and shared their personal information. Same with Ariana and her donut licking. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. 

I was done with her after she blasted her Postmates driver and shared her personal information. Same with Ariana and her donut licking. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. 

She’s always A-List in my heart. I was hoping she’d be on here too.