I'm Figuratively Dead

Fuck. This sucks. Watching You’re Next tonight in his memory. RIP

Oh fuck off with that “unelectable” narrative

I’ve watched the finale twice! Now I just need to be put in a temporary coma until the reunion next week. The only one that really surprised me was Kelly and Kenny, but I also didn’t pay a lot of attention to them when they were on screen. So I missed a lot of small details about them. Overall, I’m happy as long as

Jessica is such a mess. I’m usually not big on reality shows, but this one is so ridiculous that I can’t look away. 

“In Time” by Wyld Stallyns (in reality, Robbie Robb). Their music will align the planets and bring them into universal harmony, allowing meaningful contact with all forms of life, from extraterrestrial beings to common household pets.

This song sounds best when you’re ditching class in the Other Realm

Great, now I’ll have Pretend to be Nice in my head for the next week!

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...

Will watch. Doesn’t he also have a deal with HBO for some undisclosed project? Did that fall through?

I’m so pissed it’s leaving TBS


Karin Slaughter is one of my favorite authors and Toni Collette is one of the best actresses so this news got me all kinds of hyped

Nah, it remains obnoxiously stupid. Sabrina is smug, entitled, and thinks she knows better than everyone. The rest is campy while trying way too hard to be dark and edgy. It’s just not a fun show. I gave it 20 episodes and I’m over it. At least I have the 90's Sabrina on DVD



Mac and Abed in the mooorning

Also, it’s funny how Jezebel wants to trash people who enjoy Avatar, but they are more than willing to blab on and on about Real Housewives, the Kardashians and The Bachelor without a hint of irony.

I don’t get the hype for Marvel movies. But I also don’t write articles telling the fans to seek help. Let people like what they like. This is so obnoxious and condescending.

I completely agree. I think the hype over knives out just shows how starved audiences are for original content. The acting was good. The movie was fine. Not bad, but also not worthy of the heaps of praise it’s getting