I'm Figuratively Dead

I know you’re joking, but there are people who don’t care for Toy Story and aren’t soulless monsters. I’ve tried to watch them, I was 9 when the first one came out, and all they ever made me feel was they were trying to force a nostalgia on me that wasn’t actually palpable or genuine. But to each their own

He’s so nice I GIFed it twice 

May he have all the macaroni his heart desires

The answer is Paddy’s, always Paddy’s. The gang is most likely too busy arguing, scheming, or off on a zany adventure so I’d be able to serve myself. Plus it’s not crowded, unless they’re doing a fake ID thing, and I appreciate that.

You are a worthless piece of shit. Fuck off with your fake pretending to care attitude and go eat a bucket of dicks.

He’s not for everyone, but I personally love Kyle Mooney and the weird brand of comedy he brings to SNL. It somewhat reminds me of Nathan Fielder’s humor


I wouldn’t call You a comedy-drama. It had moments of comic relief, sure, but it was primarily a dramatic thriller.

damnit. well done.

No thanx

I’ve always been more of a Janet fan

I will walk through the fire for this album


Why they had to wait almost an entire year to release 8 thirty minute episodes they’ve already filmed is beyond me. This Netflix model of breaking up seasons is obnoxious and I hope they perish in flames.

Ilana looks amazing in those glasses. I was like, damn, girl.

Love stinks!

I see this going about as well as the infamous Fashion Cafe© did in the 90s.