I'm Figuratively Dead

Scream, I’ve watched it about once a month since it came out when I was 10. Home Alone is up there, too, ‘cause I’m a filthy animal.

Why did you copy my comment? I didn’t mean to post 3x, it was a kinja glitch

Nope, it’s the exact same show, only without commercials

Nope, it’s the exact same show, only without commercials

Nope, it’s the exact same show, only without commercials

I just watched that episode this evening! Rock, Flag, and Eagle, baby!

Triangle with Melissa George. It’s on Amazon Prime and it is awesome

Maybe he can buy everyone fake IDs and call the health inspector because he never got to do that scheme

One of my old college dorm mates had a kid last year and she literally posts full on naked pictures of her daughter on Facebook. They’re taken from behind, but it’s pretty appalling. I mean for Halloween, she shared a picture of a pumpkin painted onto her daughter’s butt. It’s enough to make me want to burn social

Screw you. Let people believe what they want. She’s not hurting anyone.

You know what? No. You’re just exhausting.

Oh no, it’s you again! My rage is typically untethered and knows no bounds, but a very happy holidays to you too!

I wanted to like this so badly. I love Toni Collette and Adam Scott. Quality Christmas horror movies (while few and far between) are extremely satisfying this time of year. Krampus didn’t do it for me. It wasn’t scary and it just wasn’t that entertaining. Judge it for yourself though. I’ll be here watching Black

Just finished it and I am..not...impressed. The new Sabrina’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me and I can’t stand her unearned confidence. The lil wench thinks she knows better than everyone.

I’m partial to Hayley (probs bc its my name) but she spells it dumb

Always nice to meet a fan. 👍

Nope that’s Greg Daniels who produced the office and the Simpsons

Ever since they lost Seth Meyers, the writing has been atrocious. There’s no hook to any of the sketches, they just keep circling back to a dumb joke that isn’t smart enough to be funny for a 5 minute sketch. It just keeps getting worse. The writers rely too much on lazy stereotypes and Lorne Michaels is too much of