I'm Figuratively Dead

He’s the worst.

Getting a few Edge of Tomorrow vibes from this one. Looks like fun! Israel Broussard can go f himself though.

As a hardcore Scream fanatic, that homage was everything to me. I need more.

That’s the spirit!

Far from it. I can’t stand attention seekers. And Meryl perpetuates that mentality entirely. 

Ugh of course she did. Because the whole world obviously revolves around Meryl.

Flat. It’s so flat, I can’t even. You don’t even look good when you’re singing!

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Love me some Big Pig.

I’m gonna watch in just a sec, I swear. Just have to run to the bathroom because my anus is bleeding

If you like Portlandia, he has an amazing guest appearance as a child song singer

Under Pressure

This is nothing but Simpsons bashing from a PC thug. It’s men like you who keep the rest us from landing a husband.

I was 10 when it came out. I remember being more excited for the Clueless tv show which debuted at the same time, but Sabrina quickly became an instant obsession.

Awww no!! Harvey’s adorable. I hated him when I was younger, but I find him so charming now. He’s not a great actor, but he’s really funny, he’s non threatening, accepting of Sabrina and her secrets, and just a decent guy. Maybe a bit vanilla, but I’ll take that any day of the week

Your headline is wrong. Al Jean specifically said their 666th episode would be the TOH next season, not this season

Middle school me felt so edgy loving Titus. But that show was da bomb

There was a moment in the final episode, Finding Frances, where if you kept the subtitles on, a line was snuck in about him wanting to move on. I adore this show, but a lot of the humor depended on Nathan and the show being relatively unknown. If he was more recognizable, a lot of his schemes would never have been so s

I still haven’t seen it because Verizon Fios screwed up and is showing American Horror Story (ugh...) on both FX and FXX.