
We get it, 99.999% of “journalists” are Liberals. But three separate pathetic jabs at the Right are a bit much. Stick to recapping the show and leave your obvious political leanings out of it please.

Wow, I was just getting ready to say what a great comment this was until I read your last sentence. Stereotypical and condescending.  In any event, your comment was interesting; I just don't agree with your sentiment. 

Inside Out not in the top ten?  Can't abide that I'm afraid. 

Just saying but she was ridiculously fantastic in Search Party and her character deserves a spin off

Save for him first asking, they invited him. He went from “we need the dead weight” to encouraging  him to participate because the kid proved himself and they needed him. Kind of a hard diss to call it cultural intrusion when it just boiled down to rowing an outrigger canoe.

Why so much sympathy for Paula? She is clearly a hypocritical asshole. Classic mean girl, happy mooching off her friends’ riches while being an asshole to everyone around her, specially to her benefactors. And, yeah I am not surprised of her thinking that fucking an employee would somehow set her apart, make herself

These people think they are better and smarter than most folks and look down on others who like things Joe Rogan. Imagine taking time to write a long article about something you could just ignore.

You know, AVC, you can’t regularly call Twitter a shitty hell website and then give in to its worst tendencies constantly.

She shouldn’t have to respond to this. It’s very likely she had zero awareness of the organization’s racist past when this happened (twenty goddamn years ago); she shouldn’t have to apologize for something she had no knowledge of.

Was really hoping AVC wouldn’t report on this nonsense. But of course they did.

You guys have printed a fair amount of extraordinarily weak outrage-seeking shit over the past couple years, but this might take the cake. I rate this clickbait seven “UGH”s out of a possible five.

How would I know that? A quick Google image search shows at a few scattered BIPOC have been involved in recent years, but I have no idea when they actually started to make inroads. It’s a shitty organization either way. I’m not defending it. Just pointing out that there’s a difference between “Future celebrity

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

I’m really confused here as if the parents wealth was never a secret, what is a real revelation here? That Kemper won a creepy sounding pageant when she was pretty young? Also yeah, she was 19 then, but apparently grew up in a sheltered environment and might not have been able to make certain connections about things

The Atlantic reported in 2014 that the Veiled Prophet Organization barred Black and Jewish people from joining.

I’m surprised AV Club went with this take when even the comments section of The Root went “Eh, this is stretching it.”

So she entered a pageant and/or attended some weird debutante event. Is there any indication that she was aware it had a racist history? It may be hard for some on here to believe, but googling the damn thing wasn’t an option in 1999.

Example 1: The Democratic Party.

Kinda hilarious that you dont realize you are doing exactly what you are critizing with this review

“Wait, what? Are you saying you lack empathy? Or you’re anti-gay sons?”

She’s saying that she refuses to engage with people who don’t share her progressive enlightenment, which is extremely healthy and good. Such is the state of the Modern Internet Wokester: Empathy is given to those who “deserve” it.