
Not quite a “starring role” but Common in The Silo (Apple TV+) lacked any sort of on-screen charisma and his voice inflections were non-existent. Incredibly stiff, wooden acting that makes Gomez seem like grade-A talent.

Stubbs is a host.

Glad to see you are doing your part in trying to bridge the gap of a divided country! Who needs echo chambers anyway, amirite?

I can see AV Club is back at it again.

A few thoughts:

I strongly agree with the other commenter. This episode, while being beautiful and emotional, truly made me realize just how uninterested I am in the Dolores/Teddy storyline.

My God. Is it at all possible for Danette to review a show, any show, and not draw endless, baseless comparisons with the current administration? I don’t remember the last review I read from her that didn’t include multiple “I hate this president and I want to make it evident” statements.

Amos: “You’re not that guy.”

Eh, what the hell. It’s a Saturday night and I currently don’t have anything better to do. As to save both my breath (fingers?) and your ears (eyes?), I’ll do a simplified version of my view on the topics listed...

Please see my response to Noisy Pip regarding the Rob Porter topic.

A vague ad hominem based on one sentence within 3.5 paragraphs in replace of an actual reply?

Your first link is referencing some obscure GOP candidate from 2012. Considering Danette’s comparisons were with the current administration and their so-called “attack”, it’s doesn’t seem particularly relevant. Not to mention there is a stark difference between saying a woman should keep her baby no matter what and

Continuously comparing the perceived horrors of today with the actual horrors of The Handmaid’s Tale really minimizes the atrocities depicted in both the show and the book and it’s unfortunate the reviewer decided to do this.

How do you order the comments by time posted, # of stars, or whatever? They seem to be all over the place... Hard to see the flow of comments.

It keeps closing back to “Claim Your Account” after I gave Kinja access to my Disqus - never got to select a login method. Great start!!

There were 1.2 million results from that search, ten results on that first page alone, and you concluded in five minutes that "none" of those sources say what I am saying?


A Chief of Staff is in charge of operations in the White House. It doesn't take a brain surgeon, or citations, to know that.

So you're saying the White House hasn't been in disarray?

Ah, completely disregard the facts laid out in front of you in order to try to continue your narrative.