
He had no clue how to actually govern. He had no clue how to be a Chief of Staff. He had no clue about how to effect the flow of information to the President, or how to manage an unruly West Wing, or any of the other things he did not manage correctly. Not only all that, but he came in under the pretense that he would

And if he actually struck an air field, killing people, you guys would complain that he was a war monger.

Down, boy. Save it for the protest.

Appreciate it Mikey!

Oh, I get it, you're making a play for the presidency. They thought Trump was vulgar? Ha! You'll show them!

"Better head back down to the minors to work on your swing."

Even better!

So you're admitting it wasn't a CNN talking head that caused Trump to fire Preibus?

I'm not. You asked a question. I answered it.

Insult those you disagree with - Cutting edge debate tactics!!

Because Preibus was in over his head since the very beginning. If that wasn't obvious to you by the lack of discipline in the White House then I don't know where your head is at.

He has tried to pressure China, Haley has successfully passed the most robust sanctions package against NK in the UN, he has tried to pressure Russia to act further, Tillerson has said he'd be open to bilateral talks between the two nations.

You should sign up for the military with your brilliant mind!

You think he fired Preibus because of a CNN talking head?

We are not threatening that we plan to bomb them regardless of what they do, as alluded upon by HockeyMike. That was my clarification. Stop trying to spin my words to make a moot point.

Trump let North Korea develop a nuclear warhead in the seven months he's been President? What are you even talking about?

He struck Syria because they used chemical weapons on their own people. He was honoring a 'red line in the sand' that I seem to recall another President completely dismissing.

I love how you know what I am talking about before I even said what I was talking about!

It's one threat vs. countless threats lobbed by North Korea.

Well slap my ass and call me Judy - straight As! Well done, partner!