
I think I'm confused, or you are. Trump isn't trusting that he won't use a nuke, which is why he is trying a different avenue than Obama who was trusting he won't use a nuke.

Because surely there can't be people out there who support Trump without being an ultra-conservative, far-right incredibly annoying political elite!

I was correcting what HockeyMike said, but thanks for your valuable input!

Uh, they already have one… They've been developing nuclear warheads for the past few years, if not longer. How can Trump stop something that is already happening?

Clarification: The US President did not say he is "planning to bomb them" point blank.

Subject change when it doesn't fit your narrative! Yay!!

You didn't really address my question, but that's to be expected.

So you'd rather have someone do nothing and let nuclear weapons fall into the hands of a deranged dictator, while trusting he won't find a reason to use them, instead of confronting the issue and hoping to get it solved before that time?

North Korea has been making threats, continuously, for the better part of a decade. Only difference now is you have a President who will respond directly instead of turning the other direction and hoping someone else deals with it.

I was commenting specifically on how I hope he handles NK but yes, please feel free to resort to the usual "I can't believe you elected this guy you idiot!!" instead of sound, reasonable discussion about a completely separate topic.

You failed history class in school, didn't you?

"But you can hope in one hand and shit in the other."

Pro tip: Be more original if you want upvotes.

We are not the only country who doesn't want North Korea to have nuclear weapons, evident by the unanimous UN Security Council vote. Having that type of power in the hands of a deranged madman, who unlike the USA does not have any checks and balances to go through, puts everyone in jeopardy. "Since everyone does it"

A great job with foreign policy? Uh, have you looked at the world today?

Oh, silly me.

He has put smart military leaders around him and has shown the ability to listen to them (i.e. Syria) when it comes to military conflicts.

What other option does he have?

Just a friendly reminder: It was Bill Clinton who initiated North Korea's track towards nuclear weapons, George W. Bush's willingness to be distracted by the Middle East, and Obama's inept foreign policy that allowed them to ultimately continue on that path.

Fincher? Theron? Edgy detective drama?