
One .45-caliber automatic, two boxes ammunition, four days’ concentrated emergency rations, one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills, one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible, one hundred dollars in rubles, one hundred dollars in gold,

For some reason when I read this I thought you meant floor jack for a second. And I was thinking *jesus* that’s prepared.

This is another example of something simple that they’ve been doing in Europe for at least twenty years without any particular problems that for some reason, we, the “greatest country in the world” have trouble managing.

Excellent! A chance to be pedantic about maritime transportation:

It’s like a porn star who won’t do sex scenes. What’s the point?

Please offer a pdf brochure and keep the prior year history, they are nuch more useful in the future buying a used car to understand the options

The Element abruptly stops when, I’m assuming, the driver notices the speeding Highlander.

Tesla Board: Elon, we really need you to reign in the tweets. You’re getting yourself in trouble and it’s a bad look for the company.

Gotta love that one guy who doesn’t miss a beat taking the now empty parking spot. when life gives you lemons...

I have to drive AND do math? Crack pipe.

Russia does not gain (in any way, except for getting to fly stolen planes for a few months) but the lessors most definitely lose. It is the equivalent of a meth head stealing your catalytic converter and selling it for $45.

I am familiar with gallows humor. But what struck me was that the dealing with the same people night after night after night was breaking through the swagger and gallows humor.

It’s interesting that our views are exactly opposite - and I don’t mean to be confrontational here. Certainly, Europe has a lot of baggage, but it is an adult. The U.S.A. is still a teenager among nations. Arrogant, subjectively immortal, careless and reckless. I want to think that we Europeans have learnt a bit from

Eh, its more of a Shelbyville idea, anyway.

Look this is great and all but there isnt anything that cant be fixed with a liberal amount of JB weld, wire clothes hangers, chick wire, and duct tape. 

Yokes on you! We cannot recommend this car, waka-waka-waka”- Fozzie Bear, Sr Editor of Consumer Reports


This issue is associated with the particular way in which the police operate these high-performance vehicles. This unique usage profile puts extra strain on some components

You did not analyze if Tesla could profitably sell a $25,000 car. You analyzed if Tesla could sell their average car today for $25,000.

“Bureaucratic stagnation” is an interesting way to phrase “regulatory capture due to corporate cubic dollars”. The actual regulators and researchers at the NHTSA are well aware of the issue.