
I have the drawings, and some bits!

It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.

This EV won’t work for me because the commute to my job is 20 miles each way and once I get there they don’t give me enough money to buy this car.

If the police ever want to interview you for something where there’s even the remotest chance you could be a suspect, you need to lawyer up. Cops are interested in clearing cases and naming suspects for DA”s to charge, not necessarily in getting to the truth. 

Depends on the state. That’s not the case where I live (in PA); you have thirty days from date of purchase/registration to get it inspected. But they also don’t test for tint. 

It can also be used for when they install the double-rollover sensor. Gotta think ahead.

The Federal Aviation Administration is asking for authorities to criminally charge reckless passengers and for airports to stop serving to-go alcohol.

a dry dock for repairs at a total cost of $200 million to $500 million; or retiring and dismantling or sinking the ship at a cost of $105 million to $190 million.”

Classic capitalism, cheaper to destroy and purchase new than to repair

Snapped this picture on my way home from work a few years ago. 

I’m not sure this stands a particularly great example of the First Amendment then, if the first instinct people have with it is to be as stupid as possible.
Also see: Second Amendment.

Despite what many people may say or think, none of this is ok.”

CI\             /IC

You trade it for a one-hitter or something else?

I spent 15 years working in social services. The amount of hatred towards the poor is absolutely amazing. “They have a cell phone!” Well yeah, they need a phone to do basically anything in today’s world. How can they take calls from work to cover a shift, how can they take calls about job interviews, how can they

Now, a group of House Democrats have introduced a $547 plan to revamp surface transportation infrastructure...

For a second I read that as “Klit Stinger,” and I was wondering how some rando on the Internet figured-out my go-to move in the sack.

Thankfully, it is currently being reported that no one has been badly hurt.

“9-1-1, what’s the emergency?”

When it gets out, it’ll have a teardrop graphic under the headlight after that incident in the car wash.

Just turn it sideways instead. It’ll have the bonus benefit of helping to maintain appropriate physical distancing from other cars.