AllieCat demands hats on cats-is probable weirdo

you’re making me want to sit there with lots of empty seats available just to spite you.

I hit play and said, “Ben Carson could not possibly have said that”

Oh for fuck’s sake... Maybe if I mansplain to Republicans they’ll listen? The issue isn’t the LANGUAGE Trump used. It was what Trump was describing DOING. He was talking about SEXUALLY ASSAULTING WOMEN.

Lol the Greater Vancouver area, like BC Canada. I’m dead serious. If you ever get the inclination to take in our glorious scenery and notorious bad attitudes, I’ve got some dranks that say “alliecat” righhhhht on them. You can pay me back in hilarious commentary ;)

Holy shit!!! This is fucking awful. How can we help?! Solidarity and love

Thanks so much for the background info. Also...

Someone ungrey this!!!!!!

YO afterellen writer and regular jezebel reader here. Everything Trish said is true. They told the writers yesterday that Friday would be the last day AfterEllen would publish as normal. They hopelessly mismanaged us while constantly stretching themselves thin, buying new properties and refusing to fix even the

Yes :(

Hilarious as usual! Are you working on a new piece for publication? Perhaps something about Trump?

One of my favorite plays ever.

I like anyone who uses the term “good egg.”

*walks into the comments section & looks around disgustedly*

I dunno, I’ve stepped in a lot of cat vomit (why do they puke outside my bedroom door in the middle of the night????) and I feel like even evil, accursed cat vomit would do more good in the world than Trump. Like, at the end of the day, anything that came out of a cat can only be SO evil, right?

This is a true and enlightened response.

This is great. Maybe a bear because it’d get it over with pretty fast.

If you had to choose between living under President Trump or having your crotch eviscerated by a pack of rabid animals, which species of animal would you pick?
