AllieCat demands hats on cats-is probable weirdo

Yeah! She was responding the original post which assumed they either were already having intercourse or were gay.

Perhaps but I think she was just talking about her own experience and saying that it’s unfair to assume Ciara and Wilson are either gay or lying about waiting. Some people do that and are happy. My husband and I lived together before we got married so we didn’t make that choice. And most other people don’t wait as

That’s so nice! I don’t know if on their own they make sense without the articles?

Ugh. It is noones business what you and your partner decided worked best and was comfortable physically and I’m personally offended that people are giving you crap about it!

Yes-but as everyone knows I can see the future-and im not sure you want to know your death. Spoiler: it involves Nicholas Cage-a pound of green face paint-a lot of swans- and so much raw chicken. There's less blood than you'd expect given all the knives but...its pretty disturbing.

Thank you...I'm not sure what the second part means?

Haha done.

You look just like her. A little around the eyes screaming in ecstatic terror.

“Was it hard to “do it”?” I whispered gently salivating into my children’s portioned French toast.

My first thought as well.

He was prosecuted legally and served his time under the law. Are you supporting public execution by police after serving his sentence?

The best.

Because NONE of that is relevant. He was restrained and then murdered by the police without any proof that he even committed a crime bigger than selling CDs on the street.

I don’t know but she’s lousy with virginity. Won’t go to bed till she’s legally wed...she can’t shes Sandra Lee.

Thank you!

Thanks. I'm having a really weepy day and that made me cry in a GOOD way.

I do-and even though it doesn’t help right now (like people can tell me over and over again nice things when I’m sad and I’m like UGH but you’re WRONG). It sounds like (and from your comments) you are great at your job and - super awesome person and will find an awesome partner who appreciates all those things.