AllieCat demands hats on cats-is probable weirdo

I hear continual sedatives are nice. Mixed with wine.

As much I hate to admit it. She has some points. Feminism has caused women to be unhappy because we’re actively ignoring some of the fundamental differences between men and women. Now before you beer guzzling, gas pumping, plant eating lesbians jump down my throat-hear me out!

I totally, totally agree with this. But it does not seem to be the case in this woman’s situation. She didn’t seem to like the job itself and felt that the company was less than supportive with her personal career goals.

I mean. Live your life Scotlover. Just know that I think you’re doing it wrong and if there were a “sandwich conversion” camp I could send you to? I’d kidnap you in a van and bring you there blindfolded for your own spiritual well-being.

“Diarrhea of a madman”

This made me laugh.

Having to work with celebrities when you work at a celeb gossip magazine SUCKS. She shouldn't have had to do what her job entails!

Everything about that sentence is terrible.

Sure. Or just one that was popular. They review popular things and not obscure ones. It’s just what they do.

She believes she's outing herself as way better than them and a writer with actual morals-I guess? I mean great. Must be nice to burn down the place you used to work because you think celeb gossip is stupid. It is but...you worked at people. It would be different if there was some kind of abuse going on, but this is

This made me audibly sigh and frightened my cat.

I never exaggerate. Slurping up mayo and tomato juice is worse than HITLER.

This is the worst thing I’ve ever heard in my whole life.

This sandwich is a real nightmare for me. I read this post aggressively frowning. Mayo. Raw tomato. No meat.

.....i’ll leave some pizza by the back door.

No thank you. I don't think I will do those things.

Is he single? Cause he sounds like quite the gentleman.

I don’t know who this person is or the details of the rape accusations but as a PSA Note to all men: if you want people to think you’re NOT a mysoginistic asshole try not to use the word “bitch” when denying that you’re a rapist.

Americans are universally the worst. As an American I think we can all agree on that.

It’s also just kind of offensive to take a pic of another cultures food as an “ew gross” thing. Although I would often like to take pictures of bottles of mayo and Instagram as such.