Ok ok ok ok that seems bad but has anybody found out if her skin was white as snow? Cause if so-I blame the liberal fairytale media for corrupting our middle aged adult pedophiles.
Ok ok ok ok that seems bad but has anybody found out if her skin was white as snow? Cause if so-I blame the liberal fairytale media for corrupting our middle aged adult pedophiles.
Sorrrrry not sorry that I break into your house every night to hide in your closet until you fall asleep and then crawl in to bed to stroke your hair while singing German lullabies. GOD YOURE SO SENSITIVE.
This is the best thing that has ever happened in the known universe, space, and time. Ever.
Aww thank you!
WOMEN! I’ve never had one conversation with a woman without talking about periods. It’s like what time is it mam? I’m bleeding from my vagina! How do you like your steak? It’s bloodier than my vagina! What are you naming your son? Menstruation Manny. Also VAGINA.
They're a VERY cute couple.
Ugh-see! The all women ghostbusters is doing it already! Periods periods WAH WAH WAH. We want tampons cause we’re dumb, bloody, whores. Ughhhhhh I'm going to watch an Adam Sandler Netflix original movie At a nascar race with a coors light like a goddamn AMERICAN.
More like 5500.
What’s the percentage of possibility that Kathryn Heigl’s alleged baby’s alleged father is Satan the alleged devil himself and we’re looking at an anti-Christ scenario? Also was that question mean? I can’t tell anymore because I’m so mean...I think I need to get off the internet for the day. If you have a pie chart…
I just turned 30! I’m trying to get the ghost of Ronald Reagan to notice me!
James. CATS wear hats. Not celebrities.
Right? Celebs have such pretty markings and soft fur!
Of course!
I can't make Taylor swift and Tom Hiddleston wear hats. I don't even know them.
I don’t know. She looks a little too old for that role.
Hahah that is amazing.
You're right! I'm a monster.