AllieCat demands hats on cats-is probable weirdo

Sure but like given that she’s an ageless witch-you’d be a little more hip to check up on those things. Again-a little weird that I’ve fallen in love with 2 guys with the same last name 30ish years apart who are about that amount apart in age. I'm gonna take a quick look on his facebook page-or like ask him his dad's

Okay. And like admittedly I searched every week on Amazon to rent that movie for more months than id like to admit and she looks very pretty.

Yep. James Van Der Beek is going to call upon you post haste.

If my cat doesn’t stop trying to wake me up this morning I’m going to take away ALL his hats and he’ll look SO FOOLISH.

You're an American hero. A fucking hero.

Ugh! I’m so excited but shipping is going to take 24 hours so they’re coming at 2. But my court mandated anger management class is RIGHT THEN what if I miss UPS? You know what? I’ll just leave a note asking them to toss the boxes on the porch with a sign that says “danger-firearms. Please be careful if borrowing”

I just ordered 69 bedazzled assault weapons on etsy dot com.

I liked the original Ghostbusters! This one looks terrible. Look, they can try to copy it but there are just some fundamental differences between male and female actors. Like in the original, the men fought ghosts. Cool, right? Well in this one, the women are just fighting their urge for chocolate. ACK! Boring. Every

Just whatever diseases we have around already.

I'll sort of return them-but with poor government infrastructure.

Did you watch early edition? I feel like it was the same sort of show/time period as Lois and Clark. That show was the bomb. Young Kyle chandler....

I don’t know. I don’t think we can do anything to change it. Let’s just throw out the country and start over. We can just take another one. We’re good at that-what has brown people and good farming land? You know what-we’ll just invade a few and decide once we’ve tried them.

Hahhaha omg! This had to have been deep in the recesses of my memory from childhood.

The laugh that just came out of me was more like a scream.

Re Judy King: Yeah-but that story line has been (and continues to be) part of the show through Piper. It’s her best purpose IE she gets to go home for her grandmas funeral-A Latina is blamed for the panty business, and Through Bayley who does drugs and trespasses/steals but its laughed off. I didn’t totally dislike

Haha-hmmm I’m not sure if this is a compliment or an insult.....either way NICE TRUMP TALK.

Do it when your cat is asleep!! There’s like a golden minute where they start to wake up but are confused. That’s when the picture magic happens...

I would still embarrass myself with my lack of geographical knowledge...against 8 year olds.

Every. Saturday. I had this fantasy at age 6 that I could be brought on as a actor for a plot line where I played Kelly's little sister. And Zach would baby sit me but then fall in love with me both on the show and in real life.