AllieCat demands hats on cats-is probable weirdo

Carmen San Diego! I feel like the questions were so legitimately hard. Unlike price is right that I thought I could win at 5 years old, I always knew I wasn't smart enough for Carmen San diego. I would get zero of the questions correct.

Ghostwriter was the best! Won’t netflix do an adult reunion of that? Like a police procedural but also all of them are so haunted that none of them can have real relationships with the outside world. One can be just released from a mental hospital-one is a junky-one is a psychologist-one a police officer-and they’ve

That's a radioactive mosquito. You might have super powers now? Super Zikalyn.

Haha I’m concerned Donald Trumps voice is the only one I can speak in anymore. Jezebel commenting has broken me.

I was less a Saturday morning cartoon gal and more of a marathon of Brady bunch and Saved by the bell girl (which always seemed to be on network TV on the weekends in the early 90's). Also ghostwriter.

That’s ridiculous. Zika virus is no big deal-Mosquitos are fun, silly! you should walk outside with short sleeves more often! On a side note, do any of you fellow humans know where I can find the pesky scientists coming up with the Zika vaccine? Like a home address or something? We want to....thank them.

She’s a human woman Aimee! With armpits. It’s the lighting probably! She isn’t an alien that looks similar to you, sorry US humans with subtle differences like a lack of armpits or salivary glands who mostly eats tree frogs for sustenance. What? That would be INSANE. Let’s talk about how completely normal her speech

Ah okay-I thought maybe they had just made her a lot darker.

I don’t think they’ll have Daya go there (I hope!) I mean-ugh I don’t know. I don’t think they spent enough time building her becoming morally corrupt-she sits with those girls but she hasn't been truly pulled in yet. The thought of her killing him and never seeing her baby again...i can't.

I want Lollys time machine so I can go to the future and binge it. That's ALL I WANT.

Yes! I have BEEN WAITING. The ending was unbelievably heartbreaking. I didn't see it coming.

Okay-in so excited-I’m just going to lay out my thoughts randomly.

I am so so sorry-sending you love. Take good care of yourself, and know that there are many of us out there thinking of you and caring about you.

I live right by there and walk by on a regular basis. It's like its prom ALL year long.

Your parents are MONSTERS.

on that we can agree, friend.

Off the top of my head...the first few lines of dialogue might be.

Can you really be ON Xojane or was it inside you all along? Maybe xojane is inside of all of us as we are it... After all what is an X but a way to mark treasure, and isn’t the real treasure love? Isn’t the best kind of love the kind where you love yourself, and if you find someone to love the you you love, then

haha thanks. When I’m trying to revise my garbage dump fire book, I suddenly am VERY INVESTED IN COMMENTING.

Thank you, lovely. I would die of happiness : )