AllieCat demands hats on cats-is probable weirdo

I also only make love gently in front of a beautiful portrait of my self. But in mine-I am holding a portrait of my nude parents the day they conceived me. It’s hard when I go to hotels. Usually I just bring a portable mirror so I can SEE myself still. Though do we ever really see ourselves?


Yessss and I won't give lin Manuel Miranda a ticket because he didnt get me one for HIS show. Selfish.

I got a cranberry bear beanie baby before beanie babies were cool. ILL TAKE IT TO MY GRAVE.

Paper covers gun.

Keep your hands OFF our guns!!!! Because you might accidentally shoot us. God those things are dangerous.

Haha-can I be their “social media” question?

A hat on every cat! A crown upon every hound. So shall it be. For ever and ever amen.

She is the legit scariest Disney villian!

My pleasure!


That's the sweetest thing ever

Hahhaha- I have also been training since age 3 or 4 for the little mermaid.

I knew you read these comments Donny!

Azul blanco rojo violets Amarillo Donde esta la biblioteca? My nombre es Alliecat.

PLEASE all you needed for Baby was pigtails, a lollipop, and a room full of middle aged pedophiles.

Two songs? TWO songs? How about two CDs of MAGIC. How about every song was a MASTERPIECE. A sexual revolutionary AWAKENING. Girl Power, Brah, The Susan B Anthony’s of their TIME. How about THAT.

#notalllatinas think he’s a great monster! Some of us think he’s a flatulant small handed impotent monster who has to wear diapers at night and cries in the shower, who only messes up facts because he never learned to read and only hates brown people because he’s never properly figured out how to tan his skin enough,

I would never think that! Everyone is awesome and important in society-and I certainly didn’t mean to phrase it that way as everyone either chooses or doesn’t choose to have children. We can all contribute to the next group of humans with or without giving birth. Just part of that (all of us contributing thing) means

Of course-but no matter the reason you don’t have a baby, everyone shouldn’t automatically get 3 months off. Maternity leave exists because as a society we need to raise the next group of humans. And it’s not a vacation.