And ugly. She was lucky to get banged and murdered at all! Practically charity.
And ugly. She was lucky to get banged and murdered at all! Practically charity.
The question posed was does good works towards women cancel out his problematic behavior during the Anita Hill hearings.
I'm NOT a cat. I just force hats on their heads.
That's genuinely the nicest compliment anyone has ever given me.
Right or like “only because she cheated”
I bake “not a rapist” cookies every week and hand them out at the frat houses!! I think it’s a real deterrent! Boy does it suck to be the guy who doesn’t get his cookie that day. He will almost definitely try harder to earn one the following week. And I reward improvement too. Like I have a stash of “almost not a…
Oh I don’t know.
Only by one. I mean we all know what he’s attracted to but he’ll find another. There are literally thousands of mass shooters to choose from. One a day! The representative will be fine.
Seriously. It’s like I really want the pain of childbirth without having to live through the orgasm that comes with the icky “sex” part. Sleeping through it. What a dream! He was doing her a favor!!
He killed a lot of gays. But look he didn’t just kill them. It was actually MOSTLY Latinos. And yes we’re all thrilled. Next question?
The light is gone from his sweet eyes! The other day he googled “dude beats homeless man with baseball bat” and...and he didn't even laugh ONCE. It's like the boy we used to know is gone.
I mean...
He’s a liar.
I am so beautiful.... to me....can’t you see-eeee-eee.
I'm still soooooo jealous. She's a queen.
My take away is the word “the”. Aimee wrote an article about the word, “the”. It was interesting I guess. Maybe it said other things? But I'm too busy to have paid attention. On to the next thought!
Darlene! Didn't you see her live?? How was it?
I believe STRONGLY in them.
How will we know if we don’t TRY to ban all refugees? You're sooooo negative.