I can’t hear you on the other side of this wall! Are you speaking mexican?
I can’t hear you on the other side of this wall! Are you speaking mexican?
Follow me! (I never use Twitter) @DemandHats4Cats
Fine I’ll follow ALL of you
How are you still grey? This is grave (rising) injustice.
Jesus’ Treasure 2: Bible of Secrets
Oh well then it’s FINE. Preferable even. I mean those people are fine just like can't they make their OWN movies to be in?
Fair enough.
Sure as replicants we can think. But CAN we FEEL? Are we human? God I wish I had the answer. But all I have is origami.
The monkeys are us. In the future. You maniacs.
Spartacus. We all are.
Emma Stone will be playing a black maid. Don't worry about it.
Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.
I understand that she hasn’t felt comfortable telling her sister. But imagine not knowing that your husband did that to your sister. And then your sister tells your child that her father is a rapist. And your child feels they have to keep that secret and struggle with those emotions alone. That makes a horrible…
That’s really tough. She went through an awful traumatic event and her brother in law is disgusting. I’m so sad that she has had to continue to interact with him all this time. My gut also says that approaching the niece with this story without talking to her sister, the girl’s mother first would be wrong. I think she…
Oh I don't know. Maybe try a TRASH CAN?? I mean the hotel maids aren't your slaves. You can't just leave a pile of dead prostitute parts all over the place and expect them to clean up after you!!
I'd end up in law school or something. That CANNOT HAPPEN.
Oh thank god. I was going to keep posting on Jezebel whether it continued or not but if it didn’t “Jezebel” was going to consist of a series of stars I made on the bathroom floor out of cat poop and my own tears. It would have involved me standing on Santa Monica Blvd naked screeching about Ted Cruz being the zodiac…
Oh yeah. Super stingy tipper. Also totally trashed that hotel room after. Just peed on everything-ripped up the pillows-left a dead prostitute in the bathroom. I’m not saying he’s a good people. Just that he’s earned the title. But..at the end of the day....he’s still a better people than Trump.
No arguments here.
That dog probably made more money than I will ever make. So when I think about it...which one of us deserves to be people more? Probably him. Probably him.