AllieCat demands hats on cats-is probable weirdo

The accident in the lab is concerning. Zika is frightening. But more concerning to me (ever since the accident) are the neighborhood cats that have started to go missing. And the chickens that were slaughtered in Mrs. O’Henneson’s coop last week. Coulda been a wolf, but....there was a print in the blood. Looked more

“Look,” Carson continued. “No one is saying that voting for Donald Trump is a good choice! Or a smart choice. Or a sound choice. Or a happy choice. Or the thinking man’s choice. Or a good idea for minorities. Or women. Or the enviroment. Or the poor. Or the rich. Or penguins. Or people with professions. Or people

This is why the double tap is so important when killing zombies or slasher like serial killers or shows about country music. The minute you turn your back, THEY GET BACK UP.

The pockets are filled with Trump steaks so it will seem like dogs like him.

My husband has informed me that I'm not remembering correctly and they did call the police a few times. So my memory is terrible-

Yeah. We all knew he was skeevy-My husband and I would tell actresses not to take his classes. But knowing that he was a creep who used his classes to hit on young women isn’t the same as knowing he was abusive. So I think a lot of people didn’t feel there was anything concrete to do. We certainly didn’t.

Let's UN disappoint you.

Oh god-you’re a pioneer! I’m so scared.

I'm very poor. I should have led with that.

I get that! I don't think I'd feel that way, because I'm so legit terrified and unhappy with the idea of pregnancy but who knows! Maybe I'll love it! (Reminds self she can't have wine. Takes statement back).

Hahaha. Yeah. I mean I get that the lovely human children will be worth it. I just. Do. Not, want. To. Experience. It.


Let’s put a pin on this whole “curing cancer” thing and GET IT DONE.

It’s my greatest wish.

I thought by the time I was ready to have children they’d have beaten this thing and we’d be brave new worlding babies in a lab. But now I’m 30.

Then came the heroin. It was the only thing to keep the shame down. At first I was just buying. Then selling. Soon I was giving blowjobs to men in a ymca locker room for nickels. The best friend who dragged me to the bathroom? I murdered her to sell her gold filling on the black market. Her blood drenched my clothing

True but in sitcom fashion you’ll probably walk by a fur store and have red paint thrown on you.

This is an interesting perspective from a father whose daughter died in the Oklahoma City bombings:

Sure, he probably would kill me given the chance. Because he's racist. And a bad person, but me being a bad person doesn't change that. Or protect me from other bad people. So...let's not murder people.

I get what you’re saying and I do agree. For me-prison shouldn’t be a punishment so much as either A. Rehabilitation (which should be the main thing and it isn’t. At all) or B. A place to keep those who will harm others again locked up (so they can’t hurt people). People in prison should be getting excellent