AllieCat demands hats on cats-is probable weirdo

Unless it turns out the person didn't commit the crime at all which...you know...happens.

He’s a monster. A monster who was probably indoctrinated in racial hatred from a very young age and spent his miserable life surrounded by hateful, horrible people. I don’t say that to excuse the monstrous act he engaged in. Just to say that to raise a child to be so hateful and violent is a form of abuse in itself.

Wait you didn’t finish the story about the prank. Then they put chili peppers on the girls lady parts right? Or beat up a homeless man? Or called each other’s parents and said their child died in a horrible car accident right? Because otherwise...I’m just not seeing the joke.

Or domestic abuse victims could just NOT get abused in the first place! That way everyone can have a gun and nobody is an abuser, you know?

Oh that's so horrible.

Did anyone listen to the This American Life recently with a woman describing her life after her genitals were mutilated in childhood? It’s a devastating piece but just so well done. She talks about confronting her mother who had the procedure done to her daughter even though she had also gone through it. It’s so

This is why I told my Driver’s Ed teacher that something seemed off about having to say, “candy man candyman candyman” every time I checked the rear view mirror to change lanes! But he insisted it was just how things were done.

I genuinely hate it when he comes over with a razor and shaving cream and says THIS IS WHAT WOMEN WANT SHAVE MY LEGS! And it's like oh my god I'm NOT Helen hunt buddy, I'm Jodie Foster!

We’re not going to KILL them!!!! I Guess we’ll have to be pushed around in a bathtub?

Let's just tape jelly fish all over our bodies. Theyre adorable.

Or invent clothing that when touched on the lower back by a non-approved finger print starts making the sound goats make when screaming.

Yes! He’s always calling! Or like showing up outside my bedroom window, hovering ten feet off the ground, and chanting in Latin while blood streams out of his eyes! It’s like WRONG HOUSE AGAIN BUDDY. Oh how we laugh.

Well YOU might have been quoting a song but I’m just talking about a thing that happens to me from time to time.

Right? It’s like the amount of times I’ve gone to starbucks and a barista has mistaken me for Jodie Foster!? And then a man in a limousine has pulled up and screamed, “we found you Jodie. That’s right. You can run but you can’t HIDE” and then shoved me into a trunk and brought me home to a strange woman who claims to

I literally have embarrassed myself so much that at parties people push me to tell that one story where “blank” but like, “hey tell that one story where you looked Sooooooo stupid and then your top flew off and it was on camera and you started speaking in an old man voice while clutching your breast in front of an

I watched 40 year old Virgin with my parents and then had to explain that the nickname my girlfriends called me did not “come from the movie” but was in fact a very graphic and disgusting sexual act involving our last name. I mean...I guess I didn’t HAVE to explain but COME ON MOM GROW UP.

Yes. I remember liking the movie.

I read wool! I really liked it

That book is great!