AllieCat demands hats on cats-is probable weirdo

You’re not depressing-deerlady! You're constantly awesome!

Thanks! Will try

It's a lovely city : )

I HAVE read the girl with all the gifts! It was excellent.

I looooove the 100. Get past the first couple of episodes that are a little more conventionally “CW”ish because it just gets so amazing.

Chicago is the best!!

I also hate that woman! My biggest fear too is that no one will like me anymore if I’m depressed and not “fun”. She’s a dumpster garbage fire spewing hot smelly garbage and we just have to step to the side so none of that garbage hits us just like we would if actually passing an exploding pile of diarrhea filled

I watch everything! Started catastrophe recently and love it. Really excited about Lady dynamite and new season of Orange is the New Black. I have a couple of eps of “the 100" left to finish which is a fav!


I use 32 inch tvs as toilet paper TOILET PAPER.

Literally no way for me to not look like a whore in a bathing suit. I have very large breasts AND they are close together. Constant cleavage. So fuck it. I dress conservatively but will ALWAYS have significant cleavage showing. I don’t worry about it anymore, honestly. I also am completely oblivious to the world

You win.

YOU MUST HAT THAT BABY IMMEDIATELY. Say my name 3 times in a mirror. I’ll be there.

TRUTH. The kind of person that never guesses in a game and just says, I can’t.

The way you play Price is Right is the way you are as a human. Like you should never date a person who would bid one dollar over. That person is a selfish monster.

1 dollar doesn’t bother me in Price Is Right! It means everyone else’s bid was stupid and over! They couldn’t win anyway. If I had written 44 minutes though. Just ONE MINUTE over. well THEN i would deserve the back hand. cause that is NOT COOL.


1 dollar.

I am not going to play this game so I’m just going to assume that you’re an assassin hired to kill crazy Britney Spears but she’s really hard to locate because sometimes she runs, sometimes she hides. So you have to get lucky to find her. and its like a toxic waste of time. But eventually even though she’s

I don't negotiate with terrorists.