Hätlêss Süsp?ct v2.0

Holy fuck. Nunes just said he didn’t read any of the documents that the memo is based on. Said his buddy Trey Gowdy (who just conveniently announced retiring today, btw, and who ALSO said today that the memo doesn’t affect Mueller/Rosenstein at all) did all the homework. Holy fuck, this memo shit cannot get any

You need to stop insisting on shallots as restaurant’s secret ingredients. It is butter, butter, and more butter.

It’s amazing what deciding to retire allows you to say in today’s GOP.

Where did I say she can’t do all those things?

The goal of this memo and everything else the GOP/Fox has been doing for the last year re: Uranium and Seth Rich and everything else isn’t to get something to stick, it’s to create so much noise that whatever Mueller uncovers will be just another blip on the screen and they’ll have cover for ignoring it. I’d love

And slenderman gets off scot free again , damn justice system.

I always get confused by this - but can’t we finally do away with ‘accused’ and ‘suspected’. We have concluded the sentencing phase now.

Since the victim is not deceased, does this mean she cannot technically acknowledge the crime. Or does she have to pretend the victim is deceased. Cause that is what got her in trouble in the first place.

That’s exactly how Slender Man works.

I believe the case was about the absolute worse of humanity, it didn’t bring it out. And everyone else is just venting. Adjust your sights a bit.

“I’m going to throw the book at the guy who tried to punch the guy who sexually molested his three teenage daughters.” - No judge who wants to keep their job (in a state where they elect judges, no less).

Aggravated assault? No. At most he’ll get some sort of disorderly conduct charge, which will be held in abeyance and then dismissed upon some sort of completion of community service or anger management or something. Woe to the prosecutor who would be willing to bring serious charges against this guy to a jury.

Lol what? That’s bonkers. Given the circumstances there’s no way this dude is getting hit hard for this.

He forgot the ultimate dad rule, better to ask forgiveness than permission. 

Next victim’s father...

I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.

Why are MSU administrators moonlighting as bailiffs?

This guy looks like he’s Criss Angel’s dad who only started coming around once Criss got famous

Seems like any one of these chucklenuts could have asked their wives, or the dispatcher, or the meter maid, or Gods forbid, whatever female officer they keep around to do cavity searches...

I’m just guessing no woman is in a position of power there, now or then.

The few times in my life I’m confronted with a question

“How could we possibly have known that someone with a PowerPoint presentation explaining how they are not a sexual predator could, in fact, be a sexual predator? If only there had been a warning sign of some sort.”