Said the DA, this will make for a briefcase.
Said the DA, this will make for a briefcase.
Doctors wear face masks during surgery so that their mouth germs won’t get into the patient’s open wound. Not to protect themselves from airborne viruses. If they’re dealing with patients with certain dangerous contagious diseases, they wear filter mask or respirators so that they won’t get sick. A simple face mask…
Well at least we know that he is for abortion , I mean really really pro abortion, even when you want to have the baby.
Do people who can afford these luxury resorts really follow influencers on social media? If I were super rich and looking for a luxury hotel, I wouldn’t look at some random millenial’s instagram, I'd ask my super rich friends.
The room still cost money to prep, clean, and service, so they still have to pay staff to service a room that is bringing in no income.
I know people are going to be hating on influencers, but I am going to give props to anyone scamming free shit from corporations.
Rein in.
She never should have put herself in the position to be criticized.
Frankenstein should have a yarmulke anyways.
Yeah, this idea seem to go directly at the idea that White is the default in Western Civilization and that Westerners of Color are somehow not heirs or part of its culture because of its European roots. In that way it is kind of really clever.
Honestly I like this idea. It gives people a chance to reimagine classic characters and see themselves instead of making the assumption that the characters are white by default.
The baller move was her statement about ripping it up: “it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternative.” God DAMN!
I grew up in a small town, we had one public school and one private Catholic school, but we shared the same buses. I remember being a (public school) kid and thinking “wow, all of these girls must be huge Britney Spears fans to dress up like her every day.” It wasn’t until several years later that I realized I was an…
is it even a Jezebel article these days if the title isn't "The Adjective Noun of the Adjective Noun"?
My mother, after the sudden death of my teenaged sister, said something that will always stay with me, especially as parent, myself. She said, “For all these years, I’ve looked at you both and thought that ‘I would just die if something bad happened to either one of you.’ And the shitty thing is, is that when it…
“Stick to pantyliners” -Spanfeller
I mean, sure. Obviously, anytime we have any discussion on the American criminal justice system, race is the elephant in the room, and I don’t think many reasonable people would doubt that she would have likely at least served her full sentence (if not a longer sentence) if she were black (probably especially if the…
Eh...I can’t say that I’m “glad” she’s out. She told a horribly troubled boy she knew had a history of suicide attempts to kill himself. I’m not glad she’s anything. I’ve just never heard a compelling argument that says what she did fit the statute of the crime she was convicted of.
This is off topic but IANAL makes me think iAnal which sounds like a buttplug that vibrates to the beat of your iPod.
She does speak some truth though. He was a johnny come lately to the Democratic party, just to self servicingly win the presidency, who then complained that he wasn’t treated like a long standing member. His tepid endorsement of Hilary followed by his bros spouting “Never Hillary” nonsense certainly didn’t help her…