Hätlêss Süsp?ct v2.0

I’m old enough to remember the Olympics of the late 70's and 80's. Truth be told, we were outclassed by the old Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc in many sports, gymnastics in particular. The thing is we’d roll our eyes at it and rationalize it by saying, “Well our amateurs are just that, normal people living normal lives

I used to be a big hall guy, but I’m with you, shrink the HOF down to whatever point where it excludes Jeter. Funny thing is, I never really hated him as a player, it’s the fucking Jeets fans who I despise.

To be clear I’m pro-Edgar for the HOF but I’m a little thrown that he’s the guy everyone wants to go to the mattresses over. His case is good, sure, but it’s not like he’s got a 100 career WAR and is up there with the Rickey Hendersons and Cal Ripkens. His career 68.3 bWAR puts him above some guys in the hall but with

If he was a first baseman he’d have 30%, and nobody would be having this conversation.

To claim that this makes sense because the mere idea of defense is too important is to claim that a poor defender who actively hurt his team in the field is inherently more valuable than any equivalent player who helped his team by not having the chance to doing so.

I assume we can look forward to Penn State erecting a statue in honor of Simon soon.

So, you’re argument is “...but maybe these other assholes got in. So we should just let all of the assholes in because otherwise it’s not fair.”

Wagner being so far below Hoffman is criminal. Wagner had a better career WHIP than Rivera and if you lower the minimum IP from 1000 to 900 he is the all time leader in K/9 and it’s not even close.

A) Can’t compare greenies to roids. A stimulant vs steroids, is apples and oranges. We all know human growth hormone helps you hit a baseball farther than uppers.

I love Vladimir Guerrero. Free swinger. No batting gloves. Arm canon. Punk rock pine tar helmet. Russian-Latino hybrid name. Absolutely my favourite baseball player of all time.

Jim Thome was by far the nicest player i ever had the pleasure of meeting and watching for years while he played for the Sox. Couldn’t be happier for the big fella. Hell of a career!

Congratulations to the newest Deadspin Let’s remember some Baseball guys guys:

So because a few questionable cheaters may have slipped in, we have to accept two undisputed cheaters?

They are represented in the museum. The museum is separate from the hall.

think about this, trevor hoffman, yes he is worthy! he played one inning 70 times a season!

The HOF voters continue to baffle me by not electing Edgar Martinez. Look, baseball, if you’re going to name a position on the team, you should allow for someone to enter the hall of fame at that position. Period. Frank Thomas was a good start, now how about a little love for Edgar? I mean shoot, the annual best DH

Two massive cheaters, not in the Hall of Fame. [Sarcastic font on] What a shame! [sarcastic font off].

People hide behind the argument that other students might be hurt every time an institution collectively does wrong. I’d argue the students would be harmed far more by allowing an institution to be led by someone who oversaw the creation of a culture that provided a safe haven for a man to sexually assault HUNDREDS of

Only that there might not be enough salt to prevent it from rising again.

Hoist the black flag, bruh. Be the change you want to see in the world.