
Nor should they expect it. I agree it’s a bad idea and not what i want. What will i do with this turn of events? Not play it and maybe check out Path of Exile. This Gamers Rise Up bullshit is just embarrassing. They don’t care how angry you rage on reddit. They care if they don’t make money on it. No amount of reddit

Or you just buy it from a local retailer and don’t pay any shipping at all.

According to the union’s rules, members will have a year to renegotiate new terms before the withdrawal becomes permanent. “If negotiations are successful, the administration is prepared to rescind the notice of withdrawal and remain” in the treaty, the White House statement said.

“Who’s up for some cel shaded motion sickness?”


“a man credibly accused of multiple sexual assaults”

The tech industry is weird. Who cares what the employees think about your politics. It has nothing to do with their jobs. Ignore them. If they’re whining begins to have a detrimental effect at work, fire them. Done and done. 

Making Moiraine the Audience POV/Protagonist to follow is SO infinitely smart. Following Rand would be fine...but following Moiraine, especially in S1 allows us a much better window into the whole story that would be denied us if we followed Farm boy as protag.

Give me a untethered stand alone device for less than $1000 that performs as well as a tethered device and I am sold. I don’t want to have to build a PC just to use decent VR. 

Everybody wants stricter rules about what can get posted online, as long as those rules aren’t applied to their own posts.

Is that really a 41 year old man with a nose ring showing up to a Congressional hearing?

Anyone who uses the term “Wypipo” is as racist as trash that call Black people “Niggers.”

We really need to stop making people famous for being harassed on the internet. As sympathetic as their plight may be, this is not something that positively distinguishes someone as a person of character. Being a victim doesn’t make you virtuous, and it certainly doesn’t inherently make you the right person to

I have no problem with her politics but I’m tired of drama queens/kings thinking they have the experience to run for office. You’re not impressive. You’re not a soldier. You’re not a star. You’re a familiar name hoping to gain power from notoriety. Now that Trump won anyone thinks they can do it.

No...that’s stupid. Why would you remove a Nazi symbol from an authentic WW2 game? It happened...it’s history, you can’t change it...should we also remove any references to the Holocaust? To the millions of Russian civilians who died? The Arian Brotherhood and white supremacist groups are a very real part of prison

I kinda think you are missing the whole point of the game, you are criminals fighting for survival. Do you think Neo-Nazi’s are not in prison? I mean I get it they could turn down the Neo-Nazi tattoos but accusing them of being “Nazi Supporters” is like doing the same thing to a WW2 genre dev for having a swastika in

I have zero desire to get into the mess surrounding Wu (as Gamergate is and always has been toxic as fuck, and founded on a number of fallacy-laden arguments), but I’m just going to put this out there: Comparing a political candidacy to soldiers fighting in World War II, where hundreds of thousands of American

Well said. In the comments from Hastings I found it particularly absurd that when reading a script that has the n-word, it shouldn’t be said, but it’s fine for it to be said in the movie the script is from?!?

What an utterly bizarre world we have built for ourselves.

Have these employees also written their Senators and Congress members to change the law? Probably not.