
I really hope I like this one more than the others. I don’t hate the “origin” trilogy, but it’s my least favorite TR series by far. The games are just too damn easy and all of the challenge comes from combat, which sucks. The combat SUCKS. No one plays a Tomb Raider game for the combat. Shooting waves of bullet

trying to bolster “representation” in their games without paying for the expertise and consultation of the ppl they claim to give voice to.

I’ve played through the game twice now. There is no appropriation here; this writer is finding controversy where there is none. This has been fairly commonplace with sites like Kotaku and Polygon so don’t take this article as the one source of truth on the subject.

White, straight men are not permitted to explore social commentary in their work. Same exact game with a black female director would have been received differently.

Like most of the sjw and pc culture crowd they try to find issues where there are none.

Never underestimate the enmity of those for which outrage is a pastime. -Josephine Montilyet

It’s almost like people care less about being represented and just want something to be angry about...

I’m surprised so many people liked this comment. You’re not being remotely objective to an entire company’s body of work. TellTale’s Walking Dead Season 1 is universally praised, and lest anyone forget it begins with the african american main character on his way to jail for murder, a point completely unnecessary for

holy fuck we get it... the whole gwaker media hates david cage...

Two minutes for reaching.

You pretty much agreed to this when you bought the game. What did you expect? The man servant is supposed to be like some sort of Frankenstein-esque character. That it’s a black guy makes it awkward, not racist...

You’re wrong.

This thing is a poster child for ridiculous “virtue signaling” politicians who either are truly ignorant or are purely wasting everyone’s time to grandstand on pointless issues to get attention. I’m betting on the latter since I find it hard to believe someone could be so dumb.

But it came under opposition from, uh, the gun lobby

Your article is full of obvious errors:

The law can be amended or repealed, so time travel is not necessary.

Admittedly I haven’t tried mobile VR, only the PSVR and as of last night the Rift, but the problem with that logic is if your introduction to VR is underwhelming, do you really think you’d buy more expensive devices to get more out of it? It’s like if I said “pizza is amazing, here’s a Jack’s frozen pizza to introduce

I would love to play a game that would feature cute animals in deadly mechs like that. There is just something about the combination that I like so much.

DNC suing anyone over “collusion” is pretty hilarious though.

I looked at yours - it shows you to be a shallow thinking moron.