
Saying that isn’t exactly the truth. When something needs 60 votes to pass, you would have to have 60 members to HOLD it. When the numbers are 51 to 49, for all intents and purposes no one holds the Senate. Every time people use the “But Republicans hold the Senate...” argument, they show their ignorance of

Alternatively, it’s a sign the UAW is targeting a place for unionization. Since we know that is the case, I’d be shocked if they don’t get a new one every month until the move factories or unionize.

Eh, this is classic UAW unionizing complaint shit. He’s going to be hit with a new complaint every month until he unionizes or goes under.

Are you even aware of the bounce rate of legitimate news stories these days?

I was pissed that Clegane Bowl didn’t happen after the Hound was talking shit to his brother. It’ll probably happen next season though. Everything else was predictable and felt like a soap opera.

And the benefit of backing up the start date for anthropogenic effects on the climate is that if you set the start point in the depths of the Little Ice Age, it makes the accumulated warming so much greater, allowing you to make even more dire predictions about what will happen if we don’t throw trillions of dollars

You know how your cell phone can now stream youtube when you are on an LTE connection? That LTE signal is on the old Analog TV spectrum that was cancelled and auctioned off. I am thinking more Americans benefit from LTE than they did from “free” analog TV.

is that even if you or I choose not to participate we are still forced to be participants by virtue of every Tesla have to share the road with.

You are factually incorrect.

It’s not as easy as saying is there anthropogenic climate or not. First you have to figure out if there is indeed climate change occurring, if so why. Then if man is causing it, what percentage of climate is caused by human factors and by natural changes. The climate models that have been laid out by the “consensus”

Two things. Number one, consensus is not scientific and means nothing. It’s completely irrelevant. Number two, the 97% consensus number was debunked multiple times and quite quickly at that. Nothing I said was disingenuous. Creating a straw man however, like you just did, is.

That’s not the way it works though. Anthropogenic climate change is the hypothesis, not the status quo. It is your job to prove the status quo wrong, not the other way around. There is genuine scientific debate on both sides of the aisle. There is legitimate scientific data to support both sides. You’re essentially

Honestly, I’m pretty bullish on Netflix since they’re now focusing on owning their own media, instead of leasing it from other companies. Right now cable companies are getting squeezed between customers not wanting to pay any more, and media companies wanting to charge more and more for each channel. Netflix can

Given the tact of Gizmodo lately, I’m inclined to believe they understand but choose to pantomime ignorance because moral outrage over faux classism gets more clicks than “company focuses on its operations that make money.”

I realize that there is discretionary, but in the grand scheme of things, they’re all funded by taxes and it’s what the government spends it’s money on.

Looks like their priorities are the retired, sick and unemployed.

Having press capabilities doesn’t mean you don’t circulate news from other public sources. I’ve spent my entire career here in the beltway (through several administrations), within defense, and as a govie; We have a litany of public affairs offices/officers at various levels within the DoD (branch, SYSCOM, COCOM,

ALL news organizations are owned by donors. Are you saying that because the DoD retweets a Bloomberg article that they’re supporting Hillary’s candidacy? Don’t be so thick. The content is more important than the source as long as it’s accurate, newsworthy, and not available from other orgs.