
Chill, its at most 15 mph in traffic. The worst that can happen is a minor fender bender, and that's very unlikely.

Spend too much time on Gawker sites builds a bias.

Not sure how the FTC getting billions in fines helps me.

Hmmm, right of way, why not just build a tunnel underground.

Elon does have a track record of getting thing done that others didn’t.

Public Transit is not the future of transportation.

I think they had to, eight was too much of a continuity mess.

Until we can nail down what exactly causes ASD the antivaxxers can make their case.

They don't look like Germans....

It's most likely irrelevant, replaced by a more capable secret technology.

Im glad our judicial system is more robust then idiots reading amateurish articles.

Bad man, bad.

I use it all the time. See I game on a pc, maybe you have heard of it, and you can set the controller anyway you want. A touch screen would be awesome.

I hate being put in a position to defend Trump, but this is the right move.

Wow, the spin in this article is nauseating. I still need explained what he’s done wrong. Those quotes of his were not hostile, insensitive at worse depending on how you choose to interpret them. The Facebook one were clearly very hostile. Am I missing something?

You can't just make assumptions and call them facts.

No, we don’t know what happened. This happened in a Saudi embassy, and Turkey has their theory. Either way it’s not an USA problem.

It should take longer and cost more to ship.

That would be great, tethered for at home, mobile when traveling.

What if it’s a modeling job. It sure sounds like one in the article. Besides in many jobs physical abilities are just as important as mental or personality capabilities.