Chill, its at most 15 mph in traffic. The worst that can happen is a minor fender bender, and that's very unlikely.
Chill, its at most 15 mph in traffic. The worst that can happen is a minor fender bender, and that's very unlikely.
Spend too much time on Gawker sites builds a bias.
Hmmm, right of way, why not just build a tunnel underground.
Elon does have a track record of getting thing done that others didn’t.
Public Transit is not the future of transportation.
I hate being put in a position to defend Trump, but this is the right move.
Wow, the spin in this article is nauseating. I still need explained what he’s done wrong. Those quotes of his were not hostile, insensitive at worse depending on how you choose to interpret them. The Facebook one were clearly very hostile. Am I missing something?
You can't just make assumptions and call them facts.
No, we don’t know what happened. This happened in a Saudi embassy, and Turkey has their theory. Either way it’s not an USA problem.
What if it’s a modeling job. It sure sounds like one in the article. Besides in many jobs physical abilities are just as important as mental or personality capabilities.
Even more surprising considering, it was a secret recording that almost lost him the election.
It played DVDs, nuf said
Fake news...
The new propoganda wars have begun, pick a side and stick to it.
So you’re a selective socialist?
Or the border wall is a federal issue and a tunnel is a state problem. Ah ha.
I like this. Online games need longterm support. This option is better than paytowin, or spliting the player base with sequels.
All generations are liberal when they are young and nieve, they always change as the age.
Ironic, he used over exaggerated speech to exemplify over judgmental social reactions, and society throws him in jail. I'm I the only one who gets the meta joke here.
Well thought out post. Orionsangel sounds like an entitled gamer. This mindset is going to eventually ruin games as and art form much like it ruined television.