
Completely off-topic but can someone please forward this note to Kinja’s ad department for them to tell Harley that advertising their motorcycle together with a guy and a surfboard is too fucking stupid for words. Did he really ride to some tasty waves whilst holding his board and wetsuit under his arm?

Remember when “journalists” valued free speech?

The US government stepping in to make a private corporation carry a message they don’t like on their infrastructure would be as much a violation of the First Amendment as a government arresting Alex Jones for the vile shit he spews.

The coyotes in my area have made most of the feral cats disappear.

This is why I don’t get why Aaron is go angry about this. If it really is that much of a breakthrough in tunnel boring the point of this is just a proof of concept to show that they can dig a tunnel this rapidly, not whether or not this particular tunnel is particularly useful since there’s already train service.

You are not an engineer or a geologist or an expert at tunnel boring or even a comprehensive Reasoner. Tunnels can be built from multiple directions and usually are. Also, smaller tunnels cut and move less mass and can thus move faster through the process, last longer without maintenance and are self shoring depending

Yes, the whole thing to make this feasible is radically reducing the cost/increasing the speed of current boring machines. I suppose it’s possible, but Elon hasn’t shown they have anything hinting at being revolutionary. I’m fine to see him continue plugging away at it for years and making the effort though. Just like

Not in this day and age, bub!  We sit here at our computers and diss anybody trying anything new, it’s the American Waaaay!!

You can dig multiple sections of the tunnel at the same time, like starting from both ends, or digging a big hole in the middle and using 4 machines in 1 tunnel.  Not possible going through a mountain, but definitely doable here.  As long as they aren’t getting free handouts from taxpayers, all the more power to them.

ahhh we are talking cali here all Left lib run here and they don’t fix nothing....so?????
a few reservoirs and the drought would be a thing of the past...and they can’t get that done with a FULL 100% liberal run state?????????
so what you just said is BS in this states case

yep this is what happens when you BLOW tax money on BS instead of forest management —-like firebreaks being re-cut EVERY SEASON! and burn-offs set in near wet season
funny I have seen like 5 burn-offs above LA near Castaic lake now ....when there was NONE, REPEAT NONE in SEVERAL DOZEN of years past...only took a few

I mean, it does seem that there was an actual smear campaign by the Tumblr crowd and yaoi fangirls over his supposed “homophobia.” Some of the early reports on this story (the touching) even turned out to have been fabricated, with the first big one turning out to have been some anonymous user using the picture of a

I wish you guys would stop calling it the close of the Skywalker Saga.

Funny enough, Japan would be the opposite. They would have no problems with the boobs and sex poses, but any fatality in Mortal Kombat would get the stream censored.

In all fairness, NetherRealms has never dragged a coalition of actual human hobos on stage to be eviscerated by a man in a Scorpion costume.

Haha can’t wait for all the blood and gore of MK 11!

“When we set out to create a platform for people to express themselves, we never expected people to express themselves in ways we’d disagree with...”

Of course you don’t get money for somebody else mimicking a dance move. Jesus fucking christ, I am usually on the actors/writers/directors/grip/best boy/etc side but come the fuck on.

He’s moonwalked on TV. Did he pay Michael Jackson’s estate anything? 

Nope, same here. Say what you will about TFA, I walked out of it excited for the next one, which is really all you can ask for for these movies.