
This article can be summed up as the “collective disgust” the Leftist Progressive Western Media feels towards Sen. Cruz for bringing up THE FACT that .... (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, the entire entertainment industry, the NFL, MLB, most gov’t institutions, Public schools, most Colleges & every other public

Your “article” reeks of political bias. One should only care that Ted Cruz or Donald Trump used CA for data targeting, if they also mention that the Obama Campaign used them too. Of course, you left that out.

Also, Facebook’s political bias against conservatives or anything they find dear (like the 2nd amendment or

What difference does it make if a data request is made ‘for academic purposes?’

Well said! I thought it was more damning when Facebook got caught censoring political content.

While I appreciate the fact that you updated the post, i have to say that you’ve still failed to update the most important part of this, which is Gizmodo’s (and Gawker Media’s before them) attitude about Elon Musk. Since the Valleywag days, you guys have consistently run him down, and he has consistently either

For a site that constantly complains about public transportation being bad.. you sure like to tear down new ideas for public transportation

An awful lot of unwarranted hate directed at Musk by “tech enthusiasts” (at least that was what was here prior to the politicization of Gizmodo.) The man pushes things forward in every direction possible and all I hear is rancor and belittlement from keyboard brainlets that probably voted for the current over budget

No, it was SQUASHED!! SQUASHED!!!!

Remember when the media reported Mexican foreign nationals blocked access to Trump rallies, rioted in the streets, physically assaulted Trump supporters, all the while waving Mexican flags?

So 80,000 people in 3 states decided to vote for Trump based on Russian memes and browser games?

Not saying I’m hunky-dory with foreign governments (or agents of foreign governments, etc.) trying to push their finger down on the scales of our election system, but this Russian stuff just seems so...ineffectual? Look into it, make sure our elections are secure from undue outside influence, but maybe not have these

Is there a reason why no electric crossover actually has any ground clearance? The model X is practically a minivan, the Jaguar I-Pace is certainly not an SUV but more of a weird hatchback thing. Even the Audi e-tron barely has any ground clearance. This is like a mission E with a two inch lift, not a Cayenne. Is it

To his defense(not trumps) recent toll and fare hikes should have been used to improve the transit system. With over 200,000 riders going through the tunnel round-trip every day, even a small hike would pay out millions. No it will not pay for the whole tunnel, but it should start.

We don’t use logic. We are trump haters and we want him to pay for everything... food stamps, new tunnel, company car for everyone. Also we want to impeach him. We also don’t think.

Wow, Ryan, might there be a bit of detail left out here?

It’s your regions infrastructure, your region is responsible for investing in and maintaining it.

Are you really going to act like this is all Trump’s fault for not fixing everything right away when the previous administration had eight years to get this stuff done, as well as the administration before that, and the one before that?

Ironic that you find the title of the Restoring Internet Freedom order misleading, but not the title of Net Neutraility itself. Government controlled internet is anything but neutral. We didn’t need to FCC to have policing rights over the development of the internet before and we don’t need them now. Anyone who thinks

You absolute dumb shmucks.

This is an FTC issue. Not an FCC one. Liberal Democrats are just plain idiots.