
Thank you, I was hoping this would get political. Don’t want a story about someone digging a hole in the ground without bringing up politics.

Quite right. The last thing we want in science is dissent or questioning.

“There was nothing fantastic, fun or exhilarating about it,” Judge Bruce Frasier said.

Or, there’s always someone that’s ready to point out that medical research is more than a single snapshot. A better study would run for 50+ years and track every conception to the grave and look at overall mortality. Does their lifestyle lead to high infant mortality? Does their diet exacerbate other health issues?

That doesn’t solve the problem. In wealthy countries, the relatively sick have a lot wrong with them, but medical intervention means each condition is less likely to kill them young— so you end up with a large population of old but not dead people with a lot of things wrong with them. Without the interventions,

Legally, it really shouldn’t matter if the order was truly a defensive measure or not. Previous courts have ruled that the President (Under article II of the constitution) has authority to conduct foreign affairs and address immigration.

“hiring a woman who has never been to public school as the secretary of education”

Correct. Even with illegal immigrants. You can’t just toss them in a bus and throw them back across the border. Once in US Territory you are guaranteed due process. That doesn’t mean you’ll get to stay, but you are supposed to be treated and processed with dignity and respect.

Except non-citizens don’t necessarily enjoy any of the rights dictated by the U.S. constitution. Particularly if they are outside the US. A Syrian shooting another Syrian in Syria has no right to a trial by jury. And, from what I can gather, “in the airport” isn’t legally “in the US”. (Hence the Tom Hanks movie of

VR is ten years too early.

... It isn’t just the GOP. You’ve already fallen to how they want you to think. A left vs right problem when in reality they are all best mates and it is the poor vs the ruling elite.

I mean, if you want to get technical income inequality is caused by economic growth through immigration. Immigration increases the economy by lowering the price of labor (helping capitalists get more production for their labor dollar), which is great news for those who earn a living hiring people and terrible news

Shall I ready the pitchforks?

How much would it cost to offer a Spanish language version of Gizmodo? (not a different country version of Gizmodo, but the same articles found on Gizmodo.com translated into Spanish). Just curious.

It should have been more words

Kinda hard to condemn people for getting news from people they know seeing how every single media has turned into echo chamber sensationalists. The press has turned from fact checkers and controllers of people in power into a money making machine ignoring facts and social responsibility. This is the inevitability of

So even after reading the same sort of comment again you still can’t comprehend it. The Star Trek universe is primarily an egalitarian universe where most of the drama is because of soap opera on the ship. To some people that’s boring as hell.

Well, the interesting thing is that even in the post-scarcity society in Star Trek people find ways to stratify groups, outdo one another, and in general try to kill each other. In Star Wars it’s partially about trade, where in Star Trek there’s 100's of scenarios where intelligent beings hate and kill each other that

It’s an ad lib answer you idiot.