
This is such a dumb argument. “Why do we have any reason to doubt the russians?”

Actually the penalty for circumventing the Freedom of Information act, is being disqualified from holding any Federal Office.

This is essentially what you are asking for, it already exists. Shady activity will always require circumventing the FOIA, and that has the penalty pretty clear. Just in Hillary’s case, she was

This report contains some of the most damning and explicit language about Russia’s involvement in the election that we’ve seen so far from US intelligence officials.

“A massive foreign power intentionally set out to influence the result of our presidential election.”

The most nefarious part you left out was when Russian hackers successfully convinced Hillary Clinton to not campaign in Wisconsin. DIABOLICAL!

Democrats used to love wikileaks and now they hate it.

libs used to love wikileaks....

Honestly, how is this desperate? I would love to see how influence among verified accounts spreads throughout the Twittersphere. I understand that from a progressive standpoint, Wikileaks is enemy number 2 behind PE Trump, but I think what they’ve disclosed is great for the democracy of the nation. They’re basically

Right, Trump and Hillary has have hecklers physically removed from his their live speeches which is certainly more extreme than electronically filtering abusive speech.

Nope. You are wrong.

This guy gets it! But seriously though, id rather have a moron in office than someone who’s actually nefarious.

Considering the frequency at which that the term “racist” gets thrown down these days, he may have a point. I’ve been called racist because I don’t support Hillary Clinton...hell I don’t even support Trump, I simply had a different world view than the other person.

Because physical hecklers are just slapping a comment on a wall and then going back to their business right? Creating a disturbance in another person’s physical space is quite a bit different than putting up Post-Its.

How would we know? The only articles and new stories that exist right now are the ones that say what an idiot Trump is rather than anything good about Hillary. It’s as if they simply want everyone to say “Well, I can’t vote for an idiot, I may as well vote for the other one even though I know nothing about them.”

The information was not classified at the time, but then you knew that.

If Twitter promoted itself as a moderated forum rather than claiming to be a free speech platform while secretly filtering content it would be less of a problem, certainly. The inconsistency between their claimed approach and the lack of transparency about their actual approach opens them up to justifiable criticism,

You have to listen to the final report by the director of the FBI. Part of the leak was classified at the moment is was sent. Let me summarize what the FBI director said. “We found this was done incorrectly, they are guilty of this, and this and this and this other thing. And yeah like 24 different top secret

I love how Sophie made the DNC emails look like little more than catty snarking: “the hack saw party officials rooting for Clinton over Bernie Sanders.” Not, you know, what was actually happening, because if we ignore it then it will go away.

She does. Next to any qualified person she does. We only had one qualified person run, she did all she could to cheat her way through him. I can’t recall one candidate that has been accused of so many crimes. You can say that she has been found ‘innocent’ by the FBI but with all the smoke created around her, there is

As a huge fan of all the series, can we... I dunno try not baiting people. No? Ok, just thought I’d ask.