
Except I did just that. If I’m buying a console, it’s going to be a Nintendo console...because I’ve got PC for everything else.

I’ll summarize this article.

Yes, you are right. The actual total battery weight is around 9500lbs... that’s much closer to what I was expecting for such a large vehicle.

That may be true now, but the technology to dock/undock, to negotiate off-ramps and city streets will be in use in the next 5-10 years. That said, if it can’t dock autonomously because of unique logistics the obvious solution would be construction to fix the issue, to just have someone trained at the location to do

In addition to all that, I can see the possibility of solar panels integrated into the long roof of the trailer... as well as motors for the trailer to provide extra power for accelleration and regenerative braking.

I still don’t know why this is a big deal? Earth has gone through periods of warming and cooling before. Earth has gone through meteor strikes and super volcanic eruptions. While I believe in climate change and not necessarily man made climate change - the question I’m left with is, does it matter what the catalyst is

I’ve never really understood some of the big tech companies thinking on this.

Well glad someone’s enjoying. I actually don’t care for the show anymore. It ruined a lot of interesting things from the books, though it seems like a lot of those decisions are probably a result of not having enough budget to hire more actors or for contractual obligations with the actors (I don’t know how else to

Not everything boils down to racism. I feel like calling someone a racist is the biggest cop-out in modern discourse. Not to say there wasn’t egregious propaganda on both sides, but voting for Brexit doesn’t make you a racist.

It still seems like in 12 hours she could’ve managed to circle back to it. It’s not like the wolf would have been thinking “Keep her away from the vehicle.” To him it’s just a big, funny rock.

After 12 hours of walking, when she happened upon a bear cub, the wolf just happened to be close enough that the mother bear went for the wolf off in the back, rather than the woman (or the dog) that was walking up to the cub... Bullshit rightfully called on this one. Sounds more like, “Woman lost in woods, cooks up

Looks like the sound team could only afford a basic “sha-heeeeeeen!” sound effect.

Fixing errors is a separate issue. I agree that it should be easier.

But I also look at my situation, I have worked hard all my adult life, managing my spending and debt and not living beyond my means and its resulted in a >800 credit rating. Take someone like my little brother who is a deadbeat that defaulted on

My guess is they are trying to avoid a typical internet shit storm that crops up around these type of things. As a non white male I also give no shits what someone else wants in their own personal version of a game. But all it takes is a few crybabies and then the whole thing goes into nuclear meltdown on the net.

You are onto a legitimate concern there. Again, this isn’t something new. It’s called disproportionate minority contact (or DMC), and it’s something that states have been grappling with for quite some time. Ultimately, though, it’s an issue on the causation/prevention side, and not a flaw in the assessment tool. If

it’s better

You had me until "I'm an attractive white girl". Just...stop talking, seriously. Or wait...please tell us more about how hot you think you are and all about your white guilt.