
Hopefully we will still have the freedom to not subscribe to there accounts, but who knows....

Are you really taking a joke seriously, then getting outraged about it.

Even more surprising considering, it was a secret recording that almost lost him the election.

It played DVDs, nuf said

Fake news...

I think it just represents the elderly and their struggle in understanding technology.

Cool story bro.

Sounds like a win for everybody but class action lawyers.

If a hate speech tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, is it still offensive.

Just make him eat a couple of his own cookies, justice is really not that hard people.

It would be nice to see a major disruption to the theater, movie distribution industry. Like the tv industry before Netflix, most people don’t realize how good it could be with an opened market.

The new propoganda wars have begun, pick a side and stick to it.


Omg they violate tos,quick call the fbi.

So you’re a selective socialist?

Or the border wall is a federal issue and a tunnel is a state problem. Ah ha.

I like this. Online games need longterm support. This option is better than paytowin, or spliting the player base with sequels.

This, we need new laws. Not rules that constantly shift.

Not sure of the contradiction, he probably doesn’t want Mexicans or the government on his land.

Fake news.