
A good director would have used a little foreshadowing. Just saying.

“Directly communicating with a campaign -any campaign- is not the role of an objective, neutral publisher.” You don’t think publishers communicate with campaigns? Hate the guy if you want but be honest with the reason why.

All generations are liberal when they are young and nieve, they always change as the age.

Why not both,automation and immigration both increase productivity and reduce wages.

Told so well, kudos

Obama supposedly knew and did nothing. Why?

Why do you think they had GOP emails, they didn’t publish

Why can’t you compare. In the same driving conditions who drives better the average human or automobiles.

Why, who drives in those conditions.

Ironic, he used over exaggerated speech to exemplify over judgmental social reactions, and society throws him in jail. I'm I the only one who gets the meta joke here.

Wonder what congressman got this $150k per vote pork project for their district.

Its not so much a problem with the automated car,s as with our legal system. We insist that only one party claim full responsibility when in most cases there is a shared responsibility.

Well thought out post. Orionsangel sounds like an entitled gamer. This mindset is going to eventually ruin games as and art form much like it ruined television.

It would be to hard to write a convincing dialog for a lead gangsterita.


Is this a smear piece because some guy isn't putting a global warming section in a Wikipedia article. Global warming doesn't belong in a hurricane article.

You mean like going to their live shows. Maybe its musicians that need to stop being lazy.

Oh shit hes figuring it out,

Small ones that can afford schemes used to lower the rate.

In the other sense, I think, you just don't get it. Its awkward to try to determine a proper source for inspiration.