
Or we could invest in unicorn farts that cure cancer.

Sound like a child. Capitalism creates something and fails to share it for free so you get butthurt. Create your own technology and share it with the world.

Too many people are criticizing Kickstarter. Its a voluntary market, better use your rage some were else. Our government forcibly takes our money then fails to deliver its promises. Yet few people actually demand accountability.

You need intelligence for it to be respected.

How many barrels of oil is necessary for enough energy to get a gallon of this new fuel.

Why suspend the students. This is the abuse of power the turns them bitter.

Looks unnecessarily complicated. Future Fail.

This post comments show everything wrong with the internet. Every one is using it as a platform against belief system they hate. That does not even make sense since its a post about actual dictators.

No kidding if Gamestop is capable of preventing the sale of mature games to kids why can't libraries limit access to kids. Its not even a first amendment issue.

Make it cheap and I'll try it. Unlike so many Gizmodo writers I'm not afraid of looking silly in my own home.

The "Press" will always get paid the local info hawkers are the ones struggling.

The Greek problem is one of a bloated public sector. You are talking absolute nonsense.

So know one with any common sense is working in Greece right now.

That leaves little profit for the actual creator, the publisher does deserve some profit for what they do but, common, 50% for minimal effort seems way to greedy.

One rule determines all of philosophy, and that is the limit of the human condition. It basically determines that the is little we could ever know that science and reason can't move us past those hard limits. This universal rule when I talk about it pisses of only one group of people, atheists. This is because every

I have had lucid dreams fairly often my whole life. Some things I have observed, I don't fly I guess I'm not a fan of heights even in a dream but I do run fast and jump high like in anime movie. I don't have nightmares because I always defeat the adversary somehow. I have had a few waking nightmares, nothing to bad,

Doubt it, simpler usually always means less environmental impact.

Worth is a undefinable concept, but as supply increases price decreases with the supply of entertainment so high prices prices must be low.

Razr has one in the works.

Kind of a everybody thing here in America. As a white guy I ate sushi as finger food in Japan but here in California everybody eats it with chopsticks, even the Asians. Or maybe its a Sushi bar thing sense I haven't been able to find a "real" sushi restaurant in the Sacramento area.