
I hope they get sued to oblivion. How does this cult still exist.

The first amendment does not override the eighth amendment, and the point about boundaries still stands even if you fail to understand it.

Is it possible to copyright your own face so that only you can profit off of it.

Ya and why don't we just stone everyone that spits on sidewalks. Oh ya boundaries learn them idiot.

I really want TW Rome 2 to take this into account. Its too easy to get the biggest army possible an march from city to city taking over, but this is completely unrealistic. Smaller more maneuverable armys should be the norm. Using a supply line mechanic they could punish an army growing to large making the grand

Luke you sound a little desperate trying to avoid admitting your savior, lord Obama, may he live for ever, lost a debate to that gun toting, neanderthal, mittens.

Because GoGo bought all the flying internet, read the article retard.

Slivers, STD's, Alzheimer

An Asian woman trying to parallel park, not sure if the seat not being invisible is the issue.

Baby was probably just giving it to him. Done, hand toy over to first bigger person they see.

I care most about the payment model, I don't want to be expected to pay $100 a year just to enjoy the game.

I like Stalker but did not know it was my favorite game.

I'm glad Woz was around otherwise I'm afraid Jobs would have become a real-life supervillian. The man is smart and holds a grudge like non other.

Nice I wish they had more of these. It would be nice is we could transform our military into more of a humanitarian outfit with defensive capabilities.

Beautiful there, where was this filmed at?

I don't think any of the commenters even watch the video.

Is this really a payoff for the book publishers by the taxpayers.

Funny how bug always go in Verizon's favor then get discovered and fixed later.


I only get internet through At&t Uverse. They must think I'm a horrible customer and most of it is me just being stubborn. Its all a scam to sell people data and call it different names to charge more money. Eventually the only thing they will sell is data but they'll keep playing the game for as long as possible.