Open source can't sue
Open source can't sue
We should outsource this job to one of the counties that is so screwed up this would be considered a good job.
Followed you till the last paragraph then you started talking out of your ass.
Only by reporters pushing that angle.
That's a pretty ignorant opinion you have.
Cops have more rights over citizens then parents do over their own children.
Does George know about this for some reason I feel he would not be OK with Star Wars being marketed toward adults.
I wish I could afford enough legos to build miniature cities or even just a city block.
That is how I imagine china everywhere all the time.
Actually that's a good argument for Wikipedia's usefulness as a tool. All research sources are bias by the editor, even scientific journals. Wikipedia's community aspect keeps it more honest by, in most cases presenting opposing view points as well. One editor does not monopolize the only voice on a subject.
How will I be watching the games in 2016. Naked of course, just like the ancient Greeks.
So glad I gave up TV, political commercials make me nauseous. Sorry if I sound like one of "those guys"
So Kim Dotcom had weapons of mass destruction? True economic destruction, are they expecting us to buy tat story again.
Agree, too many companies are looking at making big money rather then just a profit, its casing rampant cloning in all of the game industry right now
Breaking news trolls do indeed exist. Can we now stop reporting on them like they are news worthy.
See - Monopoly or Oligopoly.
Wait, indeed, if you can confirm that piracy cases all that then make a case.
Your gizmodo link is on the bottom of the page
Really we hold back aid unless they please our media overlords.