
What the hell does this have to do with regulation. Idiotic political preaching is a bad way to end a article.

Looks like a game for the kids. The only shooter I am looking forward to is ARMA 3.

Why the change, Ouya. It is a serious competitor and apple needs to get a foothold before its release. The Ouya broke the walls down and apple is responding.

Weird corrupt politicians get all the good jobs.

Its all because we have let our class action industry run amok.

The US did not choose to have women suicide bombers. Your america hate is making you stupid.

You sir, are a brainwashed moron.

Stalker in my opinion is the better IP. Despite the Mature ratings both Fallout and Rage seemed like kids games.

Should just bring back SW Galaxies

How would you describe the Onlive? I hear its the future but at normal internet speed its garbage.

"The biggest losers when music gets pirated are, without question, the artists." I question that . Artist can still do just fine playing live. Remember in the good old-time days before recorded music when artist had to perform to get money, and advertising was only by word of mouth. Now an artist can get free exposure

Kickstart it I want one, two.


Ha, the guy just woke up and was surfing the morning wood.

They have a great brothel district ; )

How is high speed internet going to help you do your job, protect America from the polar bear invasion. Do good and we might give you some of our old TV shows.

Ya right, next your going to tell me you swedes have balanced public-private universal healthcare and a open, parental choice world class educational system.

No, you don't, neither do I. I don't think any one can reasonably assume they know what Iran's threat level is to us or our allies. In your first statement you presumed to know about Iran's and Americas intentions. To that I call Bullshit.

There is no water vapor prevention economy.

Its like having an multipurpose sedan race against a F1, one is made specifically to go fast.