
Feels like a poor answer to be honest. I have bipolar and am not violent but some untreated bipolar people are. It’s not excusing him to point out society doesn’t give a fuck about MH unless it can be used to as a talking point. If you ‘shrink the excuse’ is that the best way to stop these acts of violence and

Bring on ‘Bama!

Look, I hate FIFA, I hate Blatter, but fixing a match by booking an Italian for diving is genius.

Oh Adrian. If only you had become a baseball player instead of a football player, then you could make guaranteed money for hitting things with wooden sticks.

How is Adrian voting in the upcoming Gawker union vote?

On the plus side, the Atlanta Falcons drafted Vic Beasley at #8. A 6’3, 246 lb edge rusher who runs the 40 in 4.5 seconds whose job will be to knock the crap out of Winston twice a year.

They should also do paleo exercise and have dinosaurs chase them. Because cavemen never went to a gym.

I love flying. Take off and landing are my two favorite parts of the flight. I usually ingest mass quantities of weed edibles before a flight and drink a beer before boarding. Everything is graaaaaavy.

If you are at a restaurant that uses pagers, you should leave immediately.

that last story... I was crossing my fingers the management was going to kick this horrible POS woman out of PF Chang's but NOPE!!!! that made it the worst story of this bunch by a landslide.

When asked how he felt about being the MOP, Jones replied “I just want to soak it all in”.

Funny thing is Duke is Kentucky lite, they are loaded w/ freshman lottery picks that will probably leave after this season. Coach K has been investigated for recruiting violations, and his players have been rumored to accept gifts and cash from agents (Boozer, Duhon, Jay williams). I didn’t have a horse in this raise

Whatever. Congratulations, sex-havers. What are you even doing on the internet? Get off! (hehe)

"But these are not ordinary times."

My faith in the commentariat is slowly being restored. Ima have to flounce if by some strange turn of events binge watching wins though.

They gave up the most yards by far in the NFL so, nice try I guess.

This is me every Monday at 11.

It's totally a real thing! I went to Sicily last summer and one time I was TRYING to say, "Good morning, I would like a cappuccino please" but instead I was all, "I oppose gay adoption, and synthetic babies are an abomination against God and nature." It was so embarrassing.

I'm 31, with a master's degree, my husband is finishing up his PhD, we have a child, and we live in a 2 bedroom apartment. The American dream is dead.