Imma win this:
Imma win this:
Our entire lives would collapse. The everyday things that we see, feel, and take for granted would evaporate. Our Power would be gone.
I’ve been a Hawks fan since the god damn 90’s and I’m so-happy with the recent Superbowl win...but I’m still not over that fucking fuck of a vomit play-call/qb decision in Feb. JUST RUN THE DAMN BALL WITH LYNCH!!!!!!
Yeah. I’m bi-polar and I’ve never been violent. It’s more just about thoughts racing and, if I’m not careful, acting on some unrealistic scenario that I’ve concocted in my head (let me tell you, it’s tough figuring out if women are into me and how to proceed LOL). Therapy is my answer and journaling but, if left…
Not to plug for my home state but Revelry Vintners in Washington does one of the better sub-10$ rose’s out there. Not saying that I drink a lot of it but...
roll motherfucking tide
I don’t mind it. He gets a lil’ race-baity with his “anti-thug” and “anti-tattoo” rants but he tries to be a good generally good guy. I find him much less milquetoast than Mike & Mike.
We don’t have enough context to tell but NOTHING warrants the public shaming of a young woman. I don’t care if it was sex, drugs, whatever. You get people the help that they need, not paint a fucking scarlet letter on their faces (not that young people need to be shamed for sex, they need education).
Why does anyone do anything? Because they can.
This. Exactly.
As a newly minted post-30, gaysian, you have so much time. Enjoy it. The 20’s fly by so quickly. I was in a long-term relationship through all of my 20’s and then it ended. I would have been single through the whole thing in retrospect. Just enjoy your youth and love will find you.
This needs more stars. I’m not saying that Jameiss 100% raped her but he’s pretty much a human piece of shit. I’m not a violent person but I wouldn’t mind seeing him knocked down a handful of times by Beasley.
Defamation of public figures has historically been very difficult to prove in court.
Or mini-wholly mammoths should chase them.
This comment needs more love!
LOL. As an appreciator of fine-dining, I agree but every so often I get a random craving for the Cheesecake Factory (damn you high school self!!!!)
The issue ———————————>
Only appropriate.
I completely agree with your statement. But she’s the lesser of two evils and we all still have to vote.