
Jeremy Bearimy baby, Jeremy Bearimy.

5 Guys actually originated just outside DC in the Northern VA Suburbs. 

Is this show worth it? I never got back into it after watching the first 3 or 4 episodes.

100% agree. It’s a really interesting book, but hot damn those faces are the worst things I look at every couple weeks. They are so damn bad.

If they’re going to do a TV-verse Cyborg why not include him in the Titans show? It just feels weird not having him in there. 

I mean, these are all good, but that IS Kassandra, right? I mean, fantastic.

About a third of the way through Spider-Man I discovered the option to skip those puzzles (and QT events!) and I feel like the game was better for it haha. 

On the one hand I’m sad because Ms. Marvel has been consistently one of my favorite comics for years, largely because of how well Wilson writes her.

Yeah they’re definitely mediocre fries. Was not impressed when I tried them.

Can’t wait. I know DA:I had it’s problems, but something about it just clicked with me. I’ve played it all the way through 4 times. Loved the characters and relationships so much.

Ignoring all the history here, I’m happy that Hopeless is on it. I loved his Spider-Woman and Jean Grey. Both were unique and interesting takes on the characters.

Check out the Nick Fury action figure. The cat seems to be in restraints so I’m guessing it’s a Flerken haha

I think most times I’ve seen intermittent fasting as something you do in addition to dieting, not eating pizza and cookies for two meals a day, then skipping one. 

Mike played a key role in the development of other BioWare titles, such as Jade Empire, Mass Effect, and Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.

Could be that he’s opposed to DragonAge having Games as Service, not the concept of Games as Service in general? But yeah, otherwise strange. /shrug

Very true. Almost every episode I got frustrated by how slow Flash seemed to be haha.

Was re-watching the original Justice League cartoon recently and I noticed that pretty much every time Martian Manhunter tries to use his mental powers he gets thwarted, yells out in pain, and falls to the ground. I think the show wasn’t quite sure what to do with him. 


Joe’s is fantastic. However - the lines are killer. Worth a trip though.

If you’re out in OP try Blind Box BBQ or Burnt End BBQ - both are pretty good.