Ah yes, Chipotle’s annual Halloween sale - also known as “the day you should never go to Chipotle unless you want to wait 90 minutes for a burrito”
Ah yes, Chipotle’s annual Halloween sale - also known as “the day you should never go to Chipotle unless you want to wait 90 minutes for a burrito”
They’re both some of my favorite games of the past 10 years, so your mileage may vary I guess!
Remember when the Kotaku comments weren’t full of sexist nonsense? Sigh...
Well this went from my “Ignore” list to my “will definitely play, but may wait until we make sure the PC version isn’t horribly broken” list. Glad to hear it’s good!
Meat, meat and more meat. It greatly beats the cost at local normal supermarkets, and definitely beats the cost of specialty butchers. Is it as good? Depends. I do a lot of barbecue so the briskets and pork butts are just as good and cheaper than anywhere else. Buy an uncut strip loin and get prime NY strips for…
Yeah that seems to be the way it’s trending. Maybe Chigs sneaks in through an upset perhaps.
Reading this comment I went and looked up a list of the main quests - realizing that I dropped off about 2 quests from the end while thinking that I’m only halfway through hahah. Man the pacing is off if that’s true.
Seriously. Almost everyone who made actual money on this whole deeply stupid thing already had plenty of money to throw around.
I know that you all 100% don’t have input into this, but Kinja deals often promotes game key sales from resellers. Just a funny coincidence.
Just dropping into the comments here to state that yes: White Wolf was problematic for sure, but the new World of Darkness team has 100% stepped up and made the IP much more inclusive and progressive.
Sweet Jesus she’s a whole grab bag of awful!
If you’re not spending more time installing mods than playing, you’re not playing Skyrim correctly.
Well fuck. I bought the bundle in question, and have been using the PSU in my PC since December. Haven’t had any issues, but now I’m worried I’ve just got a ticking time-bomb inside my computer. I guess it’s time to find a new PSU. Hopefully Newegg does something to fix this, because they’ve just been added to my…
I gave up after the first few levels when I got stuck on some dumb tunnel thing riding Naga.
Ugh I had finally kicked the addition 2 updates ago, but just when I think I’m out, they pull me back in...
Used to live next to Loudoun County. This checks out. smh
His most recent podcast with Desus and Mero had a pretty long discussion of what he called “Jazz Cigarettes” haha.
$250 is a lot for a case... but I guess you’re paying for the light-up logo here.
Yeah these two shows definitely make it worth it for me. If I hadn’t gotten a free year I’d be paying just to watch those.
One Tiger!