
Wow, kind of a surprise how Razer’s going all-in on workplace tech ...

sees the price

Everyone keeps bringing up Wrinkle In Time as if the average person even connects DuVernay to that. If you said to a person on the street Ava DuVernay they’re going to think “Selma, 13, When They See Us” not “The 90th Non-Marvel/Star Wars/Animated Disney YA movie that I barely remember even existing”

There’s still time for a Harry Potter spinoff where Sheeran plays a heretofore unknown Weasley child whose job at the Ministry of Magic is to go around to the wizarding schools to make sure everyone’s using the correct bathroom for their gender at birth.

Oh, look, Elon Musk flagrantly manipulating stocks with misleading information again. Color me shocked.

Musk said he’d sell Tesla stock and make the donation if $6 billion would solve world hunger, but the director of the UN’s World Food Program explained it wouldn’t fix world hunger forever, just address the immediate needs of 27 million people who are on the verge of starvation.

We can do more than one thing at a time.

I’m perfectly capable of hating both.

Elon’s “prove to me in detail on Twitter how $6bn can solve world hunger oh wait you can’t” is certainly the most ignorant and disgusting thing he has ever done - it might be the most ignorant and disgusting (noncriminal) act ANY billionaire has ever done. And he is being wildly applauded for it! Truly depressing.

the only man who gets away with stock manipulation time and time again

Gold is a rock, dude. It’s no different than a piece of paper. Others perceived value of that rock over the one in your back yard is the only difference between the two. It’s no more useful to you then what you can trade it for. And of course there's a difference between OPs Bob and a US Treasury note. You can

Great crypto-guy joke. Except that you can easily exchange your US banknotes for gold.

Does this mean that investors have finally learned their lesson and won’t invest in shady cryptocurrency projects anymore?”

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!  Good one, Matt.

That’s not entirely fair. It was also created to buy drugs.

Having more Ming-Na Wen in Star Wars is too good to pass up and I am glad they’re doing this with Boba Fett’s series.

I went to college in the days before venmo and other such things. A guy on our floor names Bob got around the problem of owing people money for stuff by creating his own currency, named BobMoney, which he printed on the dorm printers with his own picture on it. At first, BobMoney was somewhat redeemable for real

$0? You’d be a fool not to buy in now!

crypto was created to launder actual money

I agree. The entire goal of this endeavor is to buy enough houses that they can then manipulate the market. It’s already so damn hard for a normal person to buy a house in anything but the cheapest markets and all this does is further price them out and the only people it helps are some rich shareholders.

It should be illegal for any non-individual entity to own a single family property. Fuck these corporations for trying to price gouge people on one of the cornerstones of basic human existence.