
There’s still time for a Harry Potter spinoff where Sheeran plays a heretofore unknown Weasley child whose job at the Ministry of Magic is to go around to the wizarding schools to make sure everyone’s using the correct bathroom for their gender at birth.

Blockchain games are pioneering a number of new concepts that will invigorate the gaming industry for players and publishers alike”

permit me to open the dialog
“so long and thanks for the environmental damage your money laundering scheme has done”
the dialog is now closed
dont let the door hit you on the way out

Having recently re-played Dragon Age: Inquisition all the way through, it’s held up quite well in 2021. I found a new appreciation for the slower, methodical build-up of its concepts and main gameplay loop, which let me engage with the characters and story more, and the work they did making the Inquisitor their own

From what I can tell, Roblox is a billion dollar scam to get children to spend a lot of money playing online multiplayer minigames developed by other users who are nearly all just simple games with stolen IPs, which is ironic given the whole thing is based around the stolen IP of LEGO-style brick minifigures but don’t

With that in mind, check out the full list here

She is almost comically short — like Wolverine— enough that narrowing potential actors down by that would have probably been too limiting. But she does have black hair in the books.

To be fair, “X convinces Y to help defeat the evil Z” describes about 90% of fantasy novels in existence.

Now playing

Yeeeeah, my poor lil 2017 MacBook Air isn’t up to the challenge of the 360º experience. Fortunately, IGN has a version that’s, you know, watchable.

remember when the games industry wasn’t full of sexist nonsense?

You mean, yesterday? Amazing how many manbabies see an article linked on reddit or twitter and go "Noooo, it's the women who are wrong". Just telling in themselves. Wild.

This “startup” is all made of people from the same company. It’s more of a spin-off….of a company that’s under multiple investigations for a massive amount of sexual harassment. It’s not some sort of rag-tag bunch of strangers who don’t know each other getting together to build something new.

Whether a small development studio is all male or all female or what-have-you does not matter.

bruh. they could have easily managed to hire one woman, but didn’t. chill.

He added that Notorious Studios has a “flatter structure,” made up of people who wrote code, made art, and designed pieces of games rather than serving as leads or directors.

I dunno, you don’t think it’s weird that none of those 11 men pushed for a different perspective?

Seems more like a deliberate effort to exclude viewpoints they’re not interested in exploring.

Not exactly Christmas. At least it’s not a slide show.

Quick, someone try “FreeHongKong” and see what happens.

The best in the galaxy.

Well Rocket does have a crack legal team on retainer...