
Tulsi destroyed her. Also, look up Kamala’s reaction after being questioned about her tweet defending Juicy Sommelier.  She’s a bad pick. 

Did you forget about Tulsi’s take-down?

Wonder if your bitterness has to do with Barstools take-down of Deadspin?

Being anti Biden/Harris does not make one a republican or a child molester.

Do you remember when Kamala thought Joe Biden was a racist? Also, do you remember when Tulsi single-handedly ended Kamala’s bid for president?

I wonder how many people spent time behind bars for drug offenses and other non serious crimes due to policies drafted by Biden in the 80's and 90's? Also, how many people did Kamala put behind bars as a prosecutor, DA, and AG? Think of how many families these two destroyed during their time of public “service”. They

In somewhat related news, how’s it going to work out that Kamala said she believed Biden’s accusers and now she’s willing to work under him?

Just a friendly reminder that Dr. Levine removed her 95 year old mother from a nursing home after creating a policy in which COVID positive patients must be readmitted to their care homes. This policy ultimately lead to several thousand deaths and one would assume that Dr. Levine knew this was a possible outcome.

People with TDS I don’t think have ever listened to Trump speak for more than 5 seconds without their head exploding.  With that being said, if you think Biden’s cognitive abilities are anywhere near that of Trumps, you are a crazy person.  You can hate Trump and still be able to recognize that.

So, can you please explain the violence before and after the feds arrival/departure?

As a bartender and an “organizer” for Bernie.  Such experience to be a member of congress.

I feel like the term “racist” has been thrown around way too loosely these past few years. Without direct evidence of racism we should avoid blindly labeling people racist.  

That’s crazy that only republicans have ever exaggerated their accomplishments.  I wonder if Joe Biden has ever done such a thing. Maybe we should look into that.

What about AOC?  She’s pretty dumb and got elected.

Watch, he’ll end up selecting Elizabeth Warren...

He did put kids in cages under the Obama administration. Look it up. The Obama administration also deported more illegal immigrants than Trump.

This is sarcasm, right?

It’s OK, don’t worry. Science has proven that the virus only spreads at Trump rallies and in states like Florida and Texas. Andrew Cuomo has done such a terrific job and we will not let this incident slander all the good he has done for New Yorkers and especially the elderly New Yorkers.  With that being said, any

People advocating for the defunding of police and then going and hiring private security might come off as a bit hypocritical...