
I’m sorry for the struggles you have endured during your life and I wish things get better for you.  

Agree with you 100%. But, OP said “Now she just gets to live with daddy saying live on tv “Mommy was a side piece and we nearly did away with you before you were born”” which implies someone would rather be unborn than deal with that unfortunate situation. 

I think you just proved to yourself how lucky you are to be alive.  Think of how unlikely it is for any of us to have been born.  It sad that you don’t value life.

You’re exactly right.  But when you ask most people alive today, I think you are going to find an overwhelming majority are glad they were born regardless of how shitty their situation is. 

So you’d rather be dead/unborn than hear one of your parents say something awful?

So, basically you are saying black people cannot be independent thinkers? If you don’t hold these views “You ain’t black” -Joe Biden. If black people speak and think differently, oh, well they must be paid by the whites!

I’m sure she’d much rather hear that than to have been aborted...

Really, Tori Spelling advocating for debt cancellation? Someone who grew up in Beverly Hills and has been rich all their life finally runs into some financial troubles and we’re supposed to feel bad for her and cancel all debt? Listen, I am against all forms of predatory lending and ridiculously high interest rates. 

Please stop using the term “Latinx”. It is actually the least preferred ethnic label for Hispanic people.

I have to admit, Trump is more “there” mentally than Joe Biden. Look at this recent Biden quote: “I believe this, every fiber of my being: we’re posed. What I proposed is ... (long pause) ... it can be done.” What??? If the DNC allows him to debate, he’s toast.

It wouldn’t necessarily.  But, why don’t we let the people making the film make those choices themselves?  If you are offended by the filmmakers choices, don’t watch the film.  It’s pretty simple.

Casting a cis male wouldn’t portray what the film wants to do. The role is specifically a woman transitioning into a man. So, logic suggests you would want the actor to be a biological woman or a trans man. Also, if we all want freedom and equality, you can’t have double standards like LGBTQ+ actors can play any role

So isn’t acting about portraying things that you are not? Also, by not allowing a cis person to play a trans role can ultimately have major negative impacts. The ScarJo movie was cancelled completely. So, there’s one less movie about trans people. When you have the opportunity to have a big name in a trans role you

Can we please cancel Joy “blackface” Behar?

The left has always hated John Bolton. John Bolton writes book bashing Trump. The left eats up anything that makes the orange man look bad. Therefore, the left buys the book and enriches another man they hate...  Do not buy this book!!!

Don’t you think it’s a bit insensitive to post “They All Fall Down” right after the article of the young climber who just fell to her death?

I would be thrilled to be the original Lady A in this case.  If she plays her cards right she should be in for a nice pay day.

Still pissed it’s not Mike Johnson.  They had their chance and blew it again...

How many of you young Michiganians stayed home to watch the Bachelor Finale instead of voting in the primary?

If she was really so electable, then why did she finish 3rd in her home state? Is sexism to blame for all the other female candidates who exited the race?