
Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

And guess where most of the Covid cases are in the USA.....

I am so confused.
First of all - this article was written by... 3 people?

How is this trans-phobic?

Also, should this person not be punished? Weird vibes from this article.

When do we get to find out how many lives and money the totally peaceful and non-violent protests have cost?

So they can burn them later

First, he used an illegal weapon that resulted in a death from a fight he provoked. And he did provoke the fight.”

Have you watched the Kyle Rittenhouse videos? Putting politics and insanity aside, I’d be surprised if that case even went to court. It was, legally speaking, clearly self defense.

Things you’d rather not be doing but will because someone you care about has asked you to do so. Now, the key difference is that the events you choose to attend are not in service to an outdated social contract, but to the people in your life who matter.

LOL! Don’t those NBA players look stupid. Throwing away ratings and future income for a child rapist that was justifiably shot. LOL!

It doesn’t matter if Blake was reaching for a knife. The police had probable cause to detain him and he physically resisted peaceful arrest many times. They even tried non-lethal tasering.

“Even if he was a knife weilding criminal, thats no excuse. Using a gun is an unfair fight. The officer should have produced a knife and engaged in a “West side story” style knife duel.”.

PS, suck it rioters.  You burned down a city stanning for a criminal pedophile.

I know im on the right path when i can watch my ideological enemies shot, beaten, tazed and gassed from the comfort of my computer desk.

The first person that was a shot, a convicted pedophile btw, was chasing the kid through a car lot, try to jump him from behind, and in the last moment the kid turned around and shot him. He didn’t initiate there either.

The kid blasted away 1 pedophile, killed a domestic abuser, and blew off the arm of violent felon

Blaming others for all your problems is straight out of the Democrat voter handbook.

Read what I wrote (in my original post) again. The BLM *organization* is headed up by Marxists and has Marxist ideologies listed on their website. You can say “You are wrong,” but I’m not. The proof is right there.

As mentioned by someone else, the phrase “black lives matter” shouldn’t be controversial. 99.9% of people

Sorry, I actually work, so I hadn’t been back to this page yet today. I had no idea you were waiting for my “bitch ass” to respond so impatiently. I have responded above with a link to an interview with one of the founders of BLM. I hope it helps.

Not only does this article make it clear, but they are for the dissolution of the nuclear family and the raising of children by the “community” aka socialism:

Google is awesome:

Black Lives Matter is a political statement that does not belong in a school. Full stop.

If it was just the idea that black lives matter, that black people shouldn’t be harmed/killed/harrassed in general, cool. We all agree. But the actual organization BLACK LIVES MATTER is Marxist and political and should not be