
TDS is real and you have it. Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize and announced bringing home thousands of troops from the middle east this week.  I can see why those of you would be rather upset right now.

And you guys (TDS positive people) are the idiots purchasing those books. It’s also you guys (antifa/mostly peaceful protesters) currently destroying the country. Finally, it’s you guys (democrats) running the cities that are currently burning, have extreme poverty and homelessness, the highest 41/50 cities with the

I think everyone is blowing this out of proportion. With the information available at the time, no democrat leaders were calling for any major lock-downs or anything, they were busy calling the president a xenophobe for the travel ban to China. The way I take the quote is that the president didn’t want to cause

Why do EV’s all have to look like futuristic space ships?  I wouldn’t mind seeing one look like a normal vehicle.

This is hate speech. Period.  

Corona knows not to spread during these “mostly peaceful protests”.  Everyone knows that...

Let me guess though, “mostly peaceful protests” are fine?

But “mostly peaceful protests” are just fine...  Corona knows the difference.

This person clearly knew they were voting twice and took extra measures to do so.  This shows they knew exactly what they were doing and knew it was illegal in the first place.  The author wants you to feel bad or make it seem like this is OK because they live paycheck to paycheck as a fast food worker.  Secondly,

Kaepernick doesn’t want to play.  Prove me wrong.

This man is a sexual abuser. Stop giving him a platform and trying to make him a martyr. He’s a bad guy. Sure, something bad happened to him. But usually bad things happen to bad people. I will leave you with a quote: “smells like you’ve been with other men” - Jacob Blake

Wow. Beyonce and Jay-Z combined are worth $1.35 billion. That’s equivalent to someone who is worth $100k donating $75 bucks...Oh and a lot of people actually have a net negative net worth due to student loans, mortgages, auto loans, etc., and still contribute a lot more than that to charity.  I’m not saying a $1M

Let’s see a blog highlighting the details about Saint Jacob Blake’s sexual assualt(s).

There’s literally a zero percent chance that his happened....Shame on you people for believing something as ridiculous as this.

Let the college kids create herd immunity? There’s just no way in hell you’re going to keep these kids from getting together, if you know what I mean.

(the remains from a socially distant cookout I had with a few friends)

Trump and GOP don’t pretend to care about masks.  It’s simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the left and the do-what-I-say-not-what-I-do mindset of the democrat party leaders.  

The media literally spread the Russian collusion conspiracy theory for years. Doubt you downplayed that one at all. China is actively trying to get Joe Biden elected. Don’t see any of the Russian Collusion hoaxsters complaining about that! People are getting sick of the radical lefties rioting and looting. The level

Tell me what isn’t true about this quote:

What’s ironic is they actually look more like Antifa and BLM rioters/looters.